JCI = playground for success
Vesa Tiainen
Making world more efficient place / R&D expert / Problem solver / Trainer / Speaker / JCI
I am thankful for JCI what it has brought to my life already so far.
Its not all about fun and games its serious opportunity for everyone who want to develop themself or want to make a impact to society on local or national and even international level.
This year JCI world championship went to Japan 1-0, but Finland was second. It was a good game.
1. My own company is still running for after 9 years from the beginning (only due to skills that I have learned in JCI). I am able to make better contracts and many of the job offers come directly from hot leads that I got from members.
2. I have so many new friends all over the world that many cannot even realize how cool is that to go any country and with high probability someone is willing to help you if you need any help with your trip. You just need to ask. Vise versa if you come here near where I live in eastern Finland I will return the favor.
3. I have learned so much skills in this organization that are related to personal self development, business, and just eating is one thing where I have grown huge steps also. Makaroni and meat was my main food for all days, but I have tested some weird thing during my journey fried, boiler, grilled and even alive ones. Just onions were too much, but now-days I have even started to like them for certain extend.
4. My speaking skills are at totally new level compared to what they were when I joined, and that was actually the main reason to join, to improve my speaking. You cannot believe how shy guy I was in 2011, I was the one was at bar back corner drinking my cider. Yes cider. Nowdays I can be found at the bar table dancing and loving it. Still need to learn to love it without alcohol usage, but I am getting there.
5. I have had the privileged to go through JCI Finland trainer academy and I am training now the official JCI courses, but I have also few my own courses that I train to teach the members how to use Linkedin or how to try live your life for better future.
6. I have learned also to like the taste of alcohols. First beer, then whisky and now almost anything, but I can also recognize the differences in wines etc.
7. I have learned leading skills that for solo entreprenour would not have been possible. First as team members, then at local JCI board, Leading teams, being local president and so on. Everytime you challenge yourself you grow your skills to be better.
8. I have found my current girlfriend at JCI event and many other lifelong friendship's are formed during these past 8 years.
JCI will boost you to Be Better in so many other ways that I havent even remembered to write here. But the main point of this message is to wake up you who has never heard of JCI or havent had the courage to see what it is all about. I can promise it will not be a waste of your time.
Picture is from last weeks world conference #JCIWC2019 #gala #tallinn where we wrote a letter of intend to start forming new multi twinning group between 3 chapters between Belgium, France and Finland chapters. How cool is that!
Find your local chapter and make a move that will change your life for better.
Peace and love.
PS: You can write your own learning experiences below, because they are different for everyone.