JBI PACES Software: Types of project participants

JBI PACES Software: Types of project participants

JBI?PACES?enables individuals or organisations to set up and complete a wide range of quality improvement projects, safety projects, program evaluations, knowledge translation projects, and evidence implementation projects. Sounds complex, but there are only three levels of users.

The project administrator is the person who logs in, creates a project and does the initial set up for either ‘single time-point data collection’, ‘continuous data collection’ or ‘multiple time-point data collection’. Project administrators have full permissions and can access all parts of the project, including inviting and managing other team members, project scope, time frame and methods. Small-scale projects may only have one participant, who acts as both the project administrator and the data collector. Larger projects may include a middle layer.

The project coordinator is the middle layer. That person may be invited per ward, per site, or per organisation. A project can have many project coordinators or just one, with access either to specific sites and specific staff, or access to all sites and all staff. Coordinators are ideally chosen for their mid-level managerial or leadership capacity, including the ability to support or supervise data collection, manage project time frames and contribute to implementation planning in evidence-based projects using?JBI evidence-based audit criteria.

The project data collector plays a key role in collecting and entering data for analysis. This role usually involves some level of on-site training, with support from a project coordinator or project administrator. The more data collectors there are, the more useful the training in data collection becomes (including pilot testing).?Data collectors will ideally be employed or embedded in the site, ward or organisation to minimise complexity of access.

And that’s it - setting up a project is as easy as knowing who will be the administrator, the coordinator and the data collector! Three types of JBI PACES project team members, each with project-focused roles. JBI PACES also includes?useful, quick-access resources for each type of user. How complex is your project support software? Isn't it time to try something more accessible??Requests for demonstration access are welcome!



