Jazz Fest, Tech and the New World Order
I attended Jazz Fest, in the rain, met with artists, managers and promoters, in the rain and other places, and also met some Tech folk at The Ritz who had attended Collision -- the amazing Tech industry conference that was also in New Orleans. Of course, our law firm, an industry leading, top to bottom brilliantly diverse firm handling World Wide clients, has a thriving tech and music practice. The artists from the Music World, and "founders" from the Tech World with whom I met all shared the following characteristics: They are in great shape, they manage their time very well, they are articulate, they have a vision, and they are focused like a laser -- and each is comfortable in their own skin. Our firm thrives to create a similar order of lawyers who will get down in the dirt of creation, inspiration and foundation with these talented folk. This very diverse, secure in their own skin, focused, healthy, risk taking order is the new World Order and our firm is so excited to be in this pipeline and forming the new World network and way of living and thinking. It requires a progressed mind set, an inner peace that lives free of what others have to say and do, and drive and discipline. This is the New World Order, and if you are among the leaders of these industries and out there leading by being open and yourself, leading with effort, and vision, and the inner security to blaze your own trail, it's an exhilarating time with no limits. This segment of the World is the polar opposite of the childish, name calling, self indulgent World of politics we see on the screen each night. Since Music and Technology connect the World, should not the World leaders come from these industries? It's a revolution that I see coming to life in music and technology, and our firm is on the front lines. I want to shout out to Gary Clark, Jr., who is an amazing artist, and also tag the Founders who framed the Collision Tech conference....and to Ron Isley for still having the chops to get a crowd to dance and celebrate life in the pouring rain of New Orleans. Wake up inspired. Know our law firm is ready to partner with you and your business, and we have every service you need, diversity that is genuine and complete, and a commitment to helping bring your dreams to life, and then protecting them as though your money spent on legal fees were our money. Our lawyers are treated the way employees are at LinkedIn, Net Flix, or Yahoo, and even better, and they are inspired, happy and speak over 30 languages. You inspire us. We are here to join your team. www.gerardfoxlaw.com