Jay’s Cliffs Notes:  5 Steps To Rapid Employment:  Motivation + Process = Rapid Employment

Jay’s Cliffs Notes: 5 Steps To Rapid Employment: Motivation + Process = Rapid Employment

Just about everything in life is/has a process, including chaos.?Baking an apple pie is a process. Getting into college and graduating are both processes. Nature’s build-up to hurricanes and tornadoes ?involve specific processes.?Getting dressed is a process, as most don’t put shoes on before socks. ??

And I suggest landing the right job, with the right company, at the right pay, in the right amount of time, requires a proven, “evidence-based” process.?However, in the 80+ year history of the résumé writing / employment coaching industry, leaders and practitioners have never seriously considered, or agreed upon, an effective and empowering process to inspire employment success.?

And if a process does exist, it’s been a haphazard, fear and pain-based process of 1) writing assembly line chronological obituaries (résumés) , 2) learning to beg for jobs (networking), 3) preparing for behavioral questions and being judged (interviewing) and, perhaps, 4) taking a swipe at salary negotiations.??If the current processes work so well, why do most job seekers hate it??Fear it??Fail at it?

In my 2009 McGraw-Hill bestselling book 101 Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times, released during the Great Recession, I presented a 5-step process to rapid employment – one that virtually guarantees rapid employment, regardless of the state of the economy.?One that is uplifting, motivational, and an engaging campaign – not a mindless search or hunt.?When the 2nd edition was released in 2014, it was renamed: 5 Steps to Rapid Employment. ?

The process introduced in the book has been an international success story since 2010.?

So here are the Cliffs Notes: 5 Steps to Rapid Employment:

?Step 1: MINDSET:?Technique-based Basic Wellness Training

In the military it’s called basic training or boot camp.?The primary purpose is to strip new recruits of their civilian mindsets and rebuild them with military mindsets.?What good are the best technologies and strategies in the hands of untrained, fearful and undisciplined soldiers???Similarly, what good are the best résumés and job campaign strategies in the hands of untrained, fearful and undisciplined job seekers???Step 1 is Basic Wellness Training for job candidates, so they face the campaign in a fearless and confident manner; regardless of the adversities they’ll inevitably face.

Step 1 goes far beyond motivation.?

We’re talking about empowerment here.?Motivation has a limited shelf life.?Empowerment – unlimited. Empowerment teaches the HOW.?HOW do job seekers remain at their emotional best (mindset/attitude), when the spaghetti hits the fan and well-meaning people say, “think positive” or “make the best of a bad situation?”??Or better yet, HOW do they manage their emotions to ?benefit from the predicament they face (often called, blessings in disguise)? ??

Step 1 is Basic Wellness Training to re-condition job seekers with a proactive, self-confident, and success driven mindset.?They learn specific techniques to take personal responsibility and disciplined action, no matter what.?And, all the while - enjoying the process of designing their future… on their terms!

Step 2: A DEFINING GOAL: Workplace opportunities to inspire an enriched life

When we lead with the head and don't like where we end up, we say, “my heart's not in it anymore.”?Step 2, of the 5 Steps to Rapid Employment process, challenges job candidates to lead with the heart. ?The heart says, “let’s go to the moon.” and the head finds a way.?It’s the “where there's a will (the heart) there's a way (the head) philosophy.

Step 2 introduces a revolutionary values-driven approach on how to define workplace goals to enrich one’s life – enjoyably!?Envision a boat with an engine. Now picture the boat as your life and the engine as your job/career. The purpose of the engine is to power the boat to go where you want, and to do/accomplish all that you desire.?Metaphorically speaking, the boat is life - with all one’s values, beliefs, and ambitions aboard.?The engine is one’s job/career, and the purpose is to empower a good life.?The problem is that most people spend the first 13-17 years (or more) of their lives in academia, learning how to address the engine – at the expense of the boat.

When job seekers envision a better life, they’ll work harder, smarter, and longer on their job campaigns to achieve the future they envision.?Step 2 introduces the T-Bar Model, the Circle of Options Model, and the Workplace & Life FTH Strategy – an award-winning process of identifying and achieving meaningful workplace goals. (BTW:?Vocational tests fail because the head – intellect – always leads the way, at the expense of the heart).

Step 3: JOB CAMPAIGN TOOLS: Résumés, LI profiles, etc.?

Let me make this as simple as I can.?A résumé must STAND OUT, be exciting, and communicate a job seeker’s VALUE (the reason they are paid) to prospective employers, inclusive of ATS résumé format limitations, and limitations of résumé preparers.

Can you name one successful product or service, in the history of the world, that has ever been successfully marketed in the same dull, fearful, and pain-induced manner that job seekers are encouraged to market themselves??Job searches begin with uninspiring, look-alike, chronological obituaries, serving as résumés and LinkedIn profiles.?Then, it only gets worse.

But a job campaign is a marketing campaign.?And successful marketing campaigns assumes a strong belief in the product, the ability to communicate the features and benefits of the product, and the confidence to influence favorable outcomes.?

Those responsible for hiring don’t have time to read stacks of boring biographies from strangers. They want to know quickly what specific contributions job candidates can make and the results they can produce -worthy of a paycheck.

A value-based résumé o?ers a number of specific advantages::

  • ?Value (ROI). Job candidates are able to effectively identify and communicate their value to prospective employers. Their résumés clearly communicate bottom-line results and organizational contributions they can produce / deliver - to earn their pay. ??
  • Differential factors. ?Job seekers must be challenged to identify potential differential factors that set them apart from their competition, which can often tip the hiring scales in their favor. Perhaps an industry reputation, a current book of business, or being trilingual.?When you help job candidates identify labor assets that set them apart from other qualified job seekers, you’ll provide them with a distinct advantage in securing rapid employment.
  • Confidence builder. What’s more important than this??When you create value-based résumés that 1) communicate contributional deliverables, 2) set your clients/students apart from the competition, and 3) are presented in fresh and exciting formats, they’ll gain a whole new level of confidence to enthusiastically promote themselves throughout the job campaign.??
  • Door opener. Exciting, well-presented résumés open doors of opportunity that otherwise would be closed.?They race to the top of the pile because they scream out to employers, “This is what I can do for you… why I’m the best qualified candidate for the job.”
  • Writing the résumé with the interview in mind. When you challenge job candidates to think about the interview while developing the résumé, you are indirectly providing interview prep training.?When job candidates take the time to properly prepare their résumés thinking about the key messages that will win job offers, they can then showcase those messages powerfully on the résumé.

Other Tools:?Additional job campaign tools, noted in the book, include LinkedIn profiles, reference and case study portfolios, letters of introduction, and social media platforms. A full arsenal of tools for rapid employment.

?Step 4:?MAPPING YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS: Going beyond the plan of ‘winging it’

Pilots have written flight plans, interior designers have written floor plans, sports coaches have written game plans, military leaders have written battle plans, and shoppers have written shopping lists. Yet, nearly 100% of job candidates seeking a job for the benefit of a richer more rewarding future, have no written plan.?They’re winging it.

Step 4 is about strategy, where job candidates create written MAPs – Meticulous Action Plans.?MAPs encompass weekly activities – a highly structured schedule of tasks and goals for each day of the week. This includes personal, social, and fitness activities as well (because everything affects everything else).?Unemployed job seekers can invest 40, 50 or more hours a week in their “campaigns.”?Those employed and seeking new opportunities may only have 5 or 10 hours a week to invest.?It isn’t surprising that success is determined by 1) the number of hours job candidates consistently invest in their campaigns, 2) the effort they put into the hours, and 3) the adjustments they make along the way.

Step 5: TAKING MASSIVE ACTION: And mastering a few self-marketing strategies

Actions do speak louder than words.?Step 5 is called the miracle piece to rapid employment.?If job candidates have?positive attitudes, well-defined goals, strong résumé and communication tools, well-thought-out action plans… but take no action, they’ll get no results.?Rapid employment and job campaign success come from taking massive action.?

A short list of actionable topics covered.?Take action to:

o??Establish a campaign headquarters

o??Create a campaign board of advisors

o??Engage key contacts (develop a personal sales force)

o??Implement the MAP (action plan)

o??Measure and adapt the plan regularly

o??Eliminate red flags / obstacles to success

o??Master interviewing – the art of influence

o??Line up quality references

Just 5 steps – not 50

That’s it, an easy 5-step process that ensures rapid employment.?Job candidate’s need only work attentively at what’s easy - while enjoying the process.?What a concept, huh?


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