JAYNSTEIN ? Model applied to the Future Medicine
Dr. JAYNSTEIN | Best Radical Scientist

JAYNSTEIN ? Model applied to the Future Medicine


JAYNSTEIN ? Model applied to the Future Medicine

December 17th, 20222

?“Future medicine?will be the?medicine?of frequencies.” —?Albert Einstein.

Considering the Atomic Model and matter, where chemistry is the most determining factor, we find the following systems that govern the behavior of the human body from these terms:

Circulatory system

Respiratory system

Digestive system

Endocrine system

Reproductive system

Excretory system.

Nervous system

Locomotor system

If we now apply the JAYNSTEIN ? Model and consider energy, where frequencies are what modify cells at a vibrational level, we find ourselves at a deeper level with:

Energy system

The latter is related to all the previous ones in the energetic processes that occur in our energetic body, imperceptible to the majority of human beings.


Best Radical Scientist


