Jay Jagadish Hare: Shri Vishnuji ki Arti

Jay Jagadish Hare: Shri Vishnuji ki Arti

According to Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is considered to be the God of the world. The Hinduism talks about two faces of Lord Vishnu. On one hand, He is shown as quiet, pleasant and gentle. But his second face is dangerous where He is shown in a comfortable posture on Kalswarup Sheshnag (King of Snakes). Lord Vishnu is one of the principle Deities of Hinduism, and, along with Brahma and Shiva, forms the Hindu trinity. Lord Vishnu is the peace-loving Deity of that Trinity, the Preserver or Sustainer of Life.

So, Lord Vishnu as the Preserver or Sustainer of life, known for His steadfast principles of order, righteousness, and truth. Lord Vishnu is the all-pervasive Lord who expands into everything. He is the maintainer of the Universe and the complete cosmic creation. Whenever good values of the world are under threat, Lord Vishnu emerges out of his transcendence to restore peace and order on earth. The color of the Lord Vishnu is dark blue which is the color of the sky.

The color denotes His cosmic dimensions and connection of Vedic Gods like rain, thunder and relationship of the earth. The Lord is portrayed with one face, four arms and usually in standing or resting posture. The God wears a necklace which is made up of famous Kaustubha Gem. It rests on His left chest and another garland of flowers and gems named as Vaijayanti.

Further, Lord Vishnu means the giver and provider of everything. He resides in the milky waters of Vaikunth on a bed made of coils of thousand hooded large snakes. The Goddess Lakshmi His wife attends upon Him. The ocean stands for consciousness and bliss, the snake for time, diversity, desire and illusion and Goddess Lakshmi is for the material things and powers of creation. Following is the paramparic Arti of Lord Vishnu:

? ?? ????? ???, ?????? ?? ????? ???, ???? ???? ?? ????, ??? ???? ?? ????

???? ??? ??? ???, ? ?? ????? ??? ( Poet Pandit Shraddha ram Sharma 1870)

Oh Lord of the Universe, Mighty Lord of the whole Universe, The troubles of devotees

The troubles of servants (of God), In an instant, thou removest, Oh Lord of the Universe

?? ?????? ?? ????, ??? ????? ?? ??, ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??, ??? ??????? ?? ???

??? ??????? ?? ???, ???? ???? ?? ??, ? ?? ????? ???

He who's immersed in devotion reaps the benefits, His mind's sadness ceases, Lord, his mind's sadness ceases, Joy, prosperity enter the home, Joy, prosperity enter the home, A body free of problems, Oh Lord of the Universe

??? ???? ??? ????, ??? ???? ??? ?????, ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?????, ??? ??? ?? ? ????

??? ??? ?? ? ????, ?? ???? ??? ?????, ? ?? ????? ???

Thou art my mother and father, Whom should I take refuge with, Lord, whom should I take refuge with, Without thee, there is no other, Without thee, there is no other, For whom I would wish, Oh Lord of the Universe

??? ???? ????????, ??? ?????????, ?????? ??? ?????????, ????????? ????????

????????? ????????, ??? ?? ?? ??????, ? ?? ????? ???

Thou art the ancient great soul, Thou art the omnipotent master, Lord, thou art the omnipotent master, Perfect, Absolute, Supreme God, Perfect, Absolute, Supreme God, Thou art the Lord of everything and everyone, Oh Lord of the Universe

??? ????? ?? ????, ??? ?????????, ?????? ??? ?????????, ??? ???? ?? ????

??? ???? ??? ??????, ???? ??? ?????, ? ?? ????? ???

Thou art an ocean of mercy, Thou art the protector, Lord, thou art the protector, I am a simpleton with vain desires, I am a servant and thou art the Lord, Oh Lord, grant me thy divine grace, Oh Lord of the Universe

??? ?? ?? ?????, ???? ????????, ?????? ???? ????????, ??? ???? ????? ?????

??? ???? ????? ?????, ????? ??? ?????, ? ?? ????? ???

You are the one unseen, Of all living beings, The Lord of all living beings, Grant me a glimpse, Grant me a glimpse, Guide me along the path to thee, Oh Lord of the Universe

??????? ???????? ????? ??? ????, ?????? ????? ??? ????

Friend of the helpless and feeble, You are my noble, Lord, you are my noble, Lift up your hand, Offer me thy refuge, At thy feet, Oh Lord of the Universe

???? ??? ????, ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? | ? ?? ????? ???

???? ????? ?????, ??? ??? ????, ????? ??? ??? ????, ??????? ????? ?????

??????? ????? ?????, ???? ?? ????, ? ?? ????? ??? ,

Remove the corruption of the mind, Defeat evil, Supreme Soul, Lord, defeat evil, Grow my faith and devotion, Oh Lord, grow my faith and devotion, So I may serve the saints, Oh Lord of the Universe

?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ????, ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????, ???? ??? ?? ?????, ???? ??? ?? ?????

Body, mind, and wealth, Everything is yours, Oh Lord, everything is yours, I present you with what is yours, I present you with what is yours, Nothing is mine, Oh Lord of the Universe

???? ???? ????, ? ?? ????? ??? ? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???

???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ????? ???

Oh Lord of the Universe, Mighty Lord of the whole Universe, The troubles of devotees, The troubles of servants, In an instant, thou removest, Oh Lord of the Universe

Like a CEO of a big MNC, regularly goes to his office where even VIPs have to meet him after taking appointments. Moreover one has to go through a proper procedure and behave very formally with him. On the other hand, the CEO in his home behaves very cordially and informally with his children and family. His children can even dare to tease him (off course in plays) and even have the audacity to demand from their father anything very casually.

The CEO in office is Bhagwan Vishnu ( all pervasive) who takes care and supervises the whole universe. He is very formal and u cant approach him very easily (off course true devotion can make your path easier)

Shri Krishna on the other hand is like the CEO at his home and just enjoys casually with His devotees in GOLOKA Vrindavan (just like children enjoy with their CEO father at home). The children need not take appointments and can blissfully enjoy with their father.

Their main purpose is to serve Krishna and get the next life under His lotus feet, even that means getting birth in an insect body. Hence all their actions r directed at serving Krishna and glorifying Him. Does that mean that they consider lord Vishnu inferior?? Definitely no. They both r same beings . Its only the difference in their moods. The Iskcon devotees mesmerized by the past times of lord Krishna just want to feel the bliss in His company (as children enjoy with their CEO father).

The devotees worship Bhagwan Narsimha everyday in their morning program?? In fact why would they encourage people to read Vishnu purana, Garud purana and srimadbhagwatam?? Just use some logic!!! When a lamp is used to light other lamps that does not reduce the effulgence of other lamps.. All the lamps r equally effulgent. Same is with the different expansions of God. I swear that I have never seen any bonafide Iskcon devotee demonising lord Vishnu.

He is also called Narayana, which means the shelter, resting place or ultimate goal of all living entities. It also means the one whose abode is the causal waters (Karana Ocean), and one who lives in the hearts of all living beings. It is this sattva nature which gives the living beings the tendency to grow toward a Higher Truth, the light, a more cohesive and intense reality. In this sense, Lord Vishnu is also called Hari, or one who removes the darkness or illusion. So, Hari is one of the names for the Hindu God, Lord Vishnu. From Sanskrit, it means one who forgives all sins or the remover. Therefore, one who eliminates sorrows is Hari. Within a meditative yoga practice, Hari Om is a mantra that is believed to eliminate suffering by removing sins, improving karma, and alleviating the yogi's poor astrological circumstances.

Lord Shri Hari is depicted with the skin color of pale blue like a dark cloud, sometimes lending him the name The Dark One. Lord Shri Hari is often portrayed holding a lotus, discus, conch and mace in his hands. Lord Shri Hari is found in the Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata. As a matter of fact, according to the scriptures, Lord Shri Hari means remover or stolen. It is said that 'Hari Harati Papani’, which means that Lord Shri Hari is the God that removes sin and problems from one’s life.So, because Lord Vishnu removes problems and evil elements from the Earth and establishes goodness in all His incarnations, He has been called Lord Shri Hari. Hare Krishna Hari Hari

How beautifully elaborated, Sir. Jai Jagdish Hare ????

J Shekhar

Government Relations /corporate affairs/liasioning/BD and Policy at FEDERATION OF INDIAN EXPORT ORGANISATIONS

2 年


Mahender Kumar

NPA Management, Loans at associated with lenders

2 年

Prabhu ke charno mein koti koti pranam.

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

2 年

On Namoh Bhagvateya Vasudevaya


