Jay Inslee

Jay Inslee

Jay Inslee, I know that you know that Las Vegas is completely shut down I have been trying for 3 weeks to get a refund for my trip to Vegas through alternative Airline flying on Alaska Airline they are still refusing today to give a refund back can you please help with this I have worked a year-and-a-half to pay for this Vegas trip and I'm losing my money because of the coronavirus everyone has been polite to cancel the events in Vegas and even the hotel have given the refund can you help with the airline this is so wrong because I'm a respiratory patient and I just got off of the bypass machine in December so this is very unsafe for me please help the doctor is trying to get me a letter to get to Alternative Airline and Alaskan Airline but as you know that she is very swamped with patients so I've included her dr. Jackson at Neighborhood clinic in Yakima Washington I've included her telephone number so if they need to verify from the clinic to help her about that would be polite for them to do but once I get the letter I will make sure that they have a copy but I'm really worried that they're keeping other people money and treating them the same way as they're treating me and I think it's very wrong for a company like alternative Airline and Alaskan Air to do what they're doing during this crisis please help


