JavaScript?: var, let, and const

JavaScript: var, let, and const

If you're a JavaScript developer, you probably use var, let, or const in your code. But do you really know what's happening under the hood? Let’s break it down! ??

?? var – The Old Way

Before ES6, var was the only way to declare variables in JavaScript. But it comes with some quirks:

?? Hoisting: var declarations are hoisted to the top but without initialization.

?? Function scope: If declared inside a function, the variable exists only within that function. Otherwise, it becomes global.

?? Can be redeclared without errors.

console.log(name); // undefined (no error!)
var name = "David";
console.log(name); // "David"

if (true) {
  var age = 30;

console.log(age); // 30 (accessible outside the block) ??        

? let – A Safer Alternative

With ES6, let was introduced to fix some issues with var:

?? Block scope: The variable exists only within the {} block where it was declared.

?? Cannot be redeclared in the same scope.

?? Hoisted but uninitialized (causing a ReferenceError if accessed too early).

console.log(color); // ReferenceError ?

let color = "blue";        

This happens because let variables are in the Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) until they are initialized.

??? const – For Constant Values

ES6 also introduced const, which behaves like let but with additional restrictions:

?? Must be initialized when declared.

?? Cannot be reassigned (but objects and arrays are still mutable).

?? Follows the same block scope rules as let.

const pi = 3.14; pi = 3.1415; // TypeError ?        

However, objects and arrays remain mutable:

const person = { name: "David" }; = "Silva"; // ? Allowed!

console.log(; // "Silva"        

If you truly want to make an object immutable, use Object.freeze():

const user = Object.freeze({ name: "David" }); = "Silva"; // ? No effect 

console.log(; // "David"        

  • Use let when the value needs to change
  • Use const whenever possible for safer code.
  • Avoid var, as it can lead to unexpected bugs.


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