Javascript Use-cases!
Ranjit panda

Javascript Use-cases!

Today, JS stands at a dominating position in the software development industry with its ecosystem. It offers an extensive range of tools which makes it approachable for all types of software projects. With a vast repository of development frameworks and vibrant support communities, JS is arguably the best choice for software solutions in today’s world. 

The list of significant organizations that use JavaScript technologies includes Netflix, Google, PayPal, Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, Microsoft, YouTube, etc.

  • React â€“ Undoubtedly, it is one of the most preferred JS frameworks for building dynamic user interfaces with advanced features. It is used by major brands like Whatsapp, Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, etc. React Native is an open-source mobile application framework built by Facebook. It is commonly used for rendering native mobile apps that are real and feature-rich.  
  • Angular â€“ Angular is another popular JS framework that is best suited for building dynamic single-page applications. It is a desired JS framework for businesses owing to its amazing features which will substantially cut down the coding effort. An example for organizations that use AngularJS is none other than Google, the tech giant.
  • Vue â€“ Vue is a sought-after JS framework for front-end development. It is often referred to as a progressive framework, which means it can adapt to the needs of the developer. Adobe, Alibaba, Grammarly, and Xiaomi are some of the significant organizations that make applications based on Vue.
  • Node â€“ It is an event-driven framework which is extremely fast in operations. Node works well with applications that require high data processing. Some of the major brands that use Node are LinkedIn, Medium, Uber, and eBay. 
  • Ember â€“ With its flow of functionality and simplicity, Ember makes app development an easy process. It is well-capable to develop complicated and broad client-side applications.  

What can you build with JavaScript? 

  • Website development â€“ JS is still widely used by developers for building robust, interactive, and dynamic websites with rich user interfaces. 
  • Web applications â€“ JS offers numerous frameworks that make it possible to build complex web applications with minimal effort. Angular, Vue, React, etc. are commonly used frameworks for web applications. One of the significant examples of web applications built in JS is Google Maps.    
  • Web server – With the advent of frameworks like Node.js and Express.js, JavaScript became an oft-recommended choice for web server applications as well. You can build robust web server applications with minimal investment and less effort in JS. 
  • Mobile applications â€“ JS is a highly influential and dynamic language when you want to build robust mobile applications. As you know, mobile apps are built for Android and Apple platforms, and both require a different approach in coding. With JS frameworks like React Native, you can build mobile apps that can be deployed to both the app stores. Walmart, Facebook, Instagram, Bloomberg, etc. are examples of mobile apps built on JS frameworks. 
  • Gaming applications â€“ JS offers a good number of game development frameworks (engines), which has powerful features and tools to build incredible gaming applications. Moreover, the addition of HTML5 canvas has led to the development of fast-paced browser-based games with higher levels of complexity. 
  • IoT devices – The Internet of Things is revolutionizing the world, and JS frameworks are widely used in building efficient IoT systems. The event-driven nature, open-source availability, popularity of Node, end-user scripting, enhanced security – all these factors make it an acceptable choice for IoT Application development systems. Major companies like IBM, Samsung, and Microsoft uses JS for their IoT devices. 
  • Presentations â€“ Forget about PowerPoint or Keynote, JS is used for creating attractive and animated displays. By taking advantage of HTML and CSS, one can build captivating performances as websites using JS frameworks like Reveal.   
  • Drones – Quadcopters have increasingly become popular these days. It is now possible to control the drones by using JavaScript codes.  
  • Virtual Reality – JS enables you to create virtual reality experiences too. With powerful JavaScript API’s like WebVR, you can merge VR devices with the internet.  

Reasons to consider JS :

  • Powerful frameworks 

JavaScript has a rich library of structures that have been added over time, and the developer can choose the perfect fit depending on the project particulars. Furthermore, there are plenty of amazing features in each of these frameworks to make the development quicker, efficient, and cost-effective. 

  • High-speed advantage 

JavaScript runs exceptionally fast within the client-side browser. It is unrestricted by network calls to the backend server. Because of the server-side processing, JavaScript enables you to render animation and similar features quickly and ensures a smoother experience for the user.

  • Full-stack development 

Initially, JavaScript was introduced as front-end interpreted language. The advent of full-stack development has made it possible to write backend and front-end code in JavaScript. For example, Node is a JS framework that allows you to unify the web development process within a single programming language. One popular full-stack JavaScript is the MEAN stack which is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and NodeJS. Companies like LinkedIn, Netflix, eBay, etc. have taken advantage of this technology.

  • Interoperability and compatibility  

JavaScript works perfectly with other programming languages hence suited for a wide variety of applications. It can be easily inserted into other web pages without considering the file extension. It is also compatible with scripts written in languages like Perl, PHP, etc. 

  • Ease of testing and debugging 

Since JavaScript is an interpreted language, it is pretty simple to identify the bugs during run time. The codes are interpreted line by line and errors can be identified along with the line number. Thus, it is easy for the developers to find out fault, debug it, and test it again.

  • Event-based language 

JavaScript is an event-based language, which means the code segments are executed depending on the user activity. To put it, a code segment will be executed only when the user clicks a button or moves the mouse. Here, the advantage is all the codes don’t get initialized when the website is loaded which, in turn, minimizes the loading time.

  • Rich interfaces  

JS frameworks allow you to create feature-rich, captivating search interfaces for your users. Features like drag and drop components, slides, etc. are effortlessly possible with JavaScript. 

  • Procedural capabilities 

JavaScript offers all the features of a procedural programming language. It is possible to execute features like condition checking, looping, forking, and branching, on a web page in JS. All these features make the application interactive and fun to use. 

  • Concurrent codes

Concurrency is the ability to run multiple tasks at a time. In JavaScript, it is possible to handle various operations in a thread by executing functions like Callback, Promises, Async/Await, etc. This, in turn, saves time for developers by not having to write additional programs for various applications. 

  • Platform independent 

These days, almost all browsers can understand and interpret codes written in JavaScript. Since it is a platform-independent language, the scripts can run on all types of browsers and platforms. 

  • Expert developers 

JavaScript comes with an intuitive easy-to-learn syntax. It is easy for developers to learn the language and master the skill of creating excellent applications in it. Hence, there is no shortage of knowledgeable professionals in JavaScript. Owing to the popularity of this language, you can easily find expert developers for the development and support of your software solutions. 

  • Support community 

Similar to any other popular language, JavaScript has proactive support communities and can assist in all aspects of development and maintenance. Not to mention, long-term maintenance and timely upgrades are essential for software solutions for businesses. Finding support for JS-enabled solutions would remain an effortless task in the future too.

  • Cost-efficiency 

The cost of developing a software solution incurs huge capital and is a significant investment, especially when it is a start-up or SME. That is where JavaScript frameworks can be of great help. Projects that require endless hours of coding can be swiftly build using JavaScript frameworks in minimal time. Most of the JS frameworks are open-source and available for developers for free. Therefore, you don’t have to incur the cost of expensive subscriptions or product licenses. The cost of development of the software solution will be significantly low in JavaScript. 

  • Cybersecurity 

Ensuring the security of data is a priority when it comes to building software solutions for businesses. The good thing about JS frameworks is that the lion's share of resources is pumped into it for enhancing the security features. And the extensive support community of developers stays active in finding out the issues and debugging it proactively. Hence, you can count on the security features offered by this language. 

  • Futuristic technology 

Arguably JavaScript is here to stay. The range to which this programming language has advanced in the last two decades is incredible when compared with its competitors. It continues to evolve to suit the changing technological environment. Hence you can easily dig out a modern, effective and sustainable solution in JavaScript for your business. 

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