JavaScript Promises
Typically, with asynchronous code you will see the use of callback functions, which are functions that are passed as parameters to other functions. The functions that accept these types of parameters are referred to as higher order functions or parent functions. While callbacks work, they do have some shortcomings that needed to be addressed. The first being that functions give no indication on the status of the code block being executed until a successful result is returned. This means that while waiting and in the case of errors it would be difficult to understand what exactly is happening. The second issue is that larger applications will typically start the involvement of nested callbacks. If too many callbacks are nested, they become difficult for those viewing your code to understand; resulting in what is referred to as the pyramid of doom. To alleviate this issue promises were created.
Promises are regular JavaScript objects that return a result regardless of the state or in other words represent the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation. They start off in a default state of pending and will transition into either a fulfilled or rejected state. This helps understand what exactly is happening with your asynchronous code. The fulfilled and rejected state will have values that you will want to consume with a variable. Once these values are consumed methods like .then() and .catch() can be chained to the variable. Each of these methods will create a new promise that will also return a value.
The Then method takes 2 functions as parameters with the first being for fulfilled promises and the second being for rejected promises. In the Then method the first parameter is required while the second is optional. The Catch method only takes one required function as a parameter for rejected promises. Typically, you will see the Then method dedicated to fulfilled promises and the Catch method to rejected promises. It Is important to note that errors should be handled with one of these methods or they will fail silently.
The last method associated with promises is the .finally() method. This method will consume the result of a promise regardless of the state. This method should be reserved for use at the end of a chain to complete operations that need to be done regardless of the prior promises.
Promises are a great way to handle your asynchronous code but like all things they should not be treated as a one solution fits all approach. There are situations where using promises can cause confusion, which negate its effectiveness with the issue it was created to solve. For this reason, it is still important to understand callbacks as they will still find themselves useful in many situations. Therefore an understanding of these concepts will help in successfully knowing, which one to implement for your use case.