These questions cover a wide range of topics, from core concepts and advanced features to design patterns, performance optimization, and browser-specific behaviors. They are designed to test the depth of knowledge and practical experience of a senior JavaScript developer.
- What are the main differences between var, let, and const?
- Explain closures and provide an example of where they might be used.
- How does the event loop work in JavaScript?
- Describe prototypal inheritance and its advantages over classical inheritance.
- What are promises, and how do they work? Provide an example.
- Explain the async/await syntax. How does it differ from using promises?
- What is a JavaScript module, and how do you import and export them?
- How do destructuring assignments work in JavaScript?
- Explain the difference between == and ===.
- What is hoisting in JavaScript?
- How does JavaScript handle memory management and garbage collection?
- Explain the purpose of the bind, call, and apply methods.
- What are generator functions, and how do they work?
- Describe the concept of higher-order functions.
- What are Proxy and Reflect in JavaScript, and how are they used?
- How does the this keyword work, and how can it be manipulated?
- Explain the concept of event delegation.
- How do you debounce and throttle functions in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
- Describe the module pattern and its use cases.
- What are the benefits of using arrow functions, and what limitations do they have?
- How does the spread operator work in JavaScript?
- What is destructuring, and how can it be used with objects and arrays?
- Explain the concept of template literals and tagged templates.
- What is the purpose of Symbol in JavaScript?
- How do default parameters work in functions?
- What are Map and Set, and how do they differ from objects and arrays?
- Explain the concept of async iterators and generators.
- What are WeakMap and WeakSet, and how are they different from Map and Set?
- Describe how modules work in ES6 and beyond.
- What is the Singleton pattern, and how is it implemented in JavaScript?
- Explain the Factory pattern with an example.
- How do you implement the Observer pattern in JavaScript?
- Describe the Decorator pattern and its use cases.
- What is the Module pattern, and how does it help in code organization?
- Explain the use of the Proxy pattern in JavaScript.
- How do you implement the Command pattern in JavaScript?
- What are the benefits of using the Strategy pattern?
- How do you optimize the performance of a JavaScript application?
- Explain how lazy loading works in JavaScript.
- What are Web Workers, and how do they help in performance optimization?
- How does JavaScript handle asynchronous operations under the hood?
- What are some common memory leaks in JavaScript, and how can they be avoided?
- How can you measure and improve the performance of JavaScript code?
- Explain how the DOM works in JavaScript.
- How do event propagation and event bubbling work?
- What are the differences between localStorage, sessionStorage, and cookies?
- How does the Fetch API work, and what are its advantages over XMLHttpRequest?
- What is CORS, and how do you handle it in a JavaScript application?
- How do you implement client-side routing in a single-page application (SPA)?
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