In an era that is leaded by #IT and all its segments, picking a right direction to which you’ll ascend in. Many people choose #programming as their profession to work in life as they face the challenge of constant upgrading and staying up to date with all the newest updates and fixes. Until now, there are loads of programming languages for all around different needs, from mobile, to web to back/frontend development.
Although many software developers are fluent in several languages, many of them choose to stick to JavaScript or shortened Js. So why is Js special?
Js dates back to 1996 and was mainly used for browsers such as Mozilla, Chrome, Internet Explorer. With many ECMAscirpt (standardization meant to ensure the stability of web pages on different web browsers) adaptations through-out the years, #Js has risen to one of the top in-demand programming languages today.
Looking at JavaScript there are an array of Pros, such as:
- Speed- As it is an interpreted language, it requires very little time to compile, compared to other languages.
- Js is simple and easy to learn and understand. It has an easy structure for the users and developers in general.
- We’re basically surrounded with Js, it’s been incorporated in major companies such as Google, Amazon etc.
- JavaScript is client-sided so for everything operated, it’s from the client itself and it doesn’t need to be server connected.?Also when coding, the browser updated only the selected segment of the page.
- The interaction with the web pages that can be created are numerous. Having drag and drop components and even sliders create an interface worth checking.
- JavaScript can be used both for Frontend and Backend.
- There are add-ons that work very well with Js so it makes creating apps much easier and enjoyable
As everything, as much there are pros, there are some cons:
- The rendering of a site can be stopped due to an error in the code, but even with this, most of the browsers are tolerant to this mistakes.
- Js needs to be tested on various browsers as the browsers interpretate the language differently.
- Since its client-sided, the code is viewable to the user and it may be used not in the way it was intended. It also can be exposed to malicious software to which you didn’t give authorization.
To summarize, #JavaScript has its advantages and its disadvantages. All in all, software developers have knowledge of these informations and yet Js is one of the most used languages out there.
So, thinking about hiring Software Developers with excellent JavaScript knowledge? Either it’s for an app that you provide, or internal needs in your company, let us help you with that!
Having a pool of experts open to show their speciality, we would love to help you broaden your Software Development team with top tier people. Also, you wouldn’t like cause a #burnout, wouldn’t you?
I will be covering the topic of burnout next time so in the meantime you can check us at or contact me to discuss your needs for #experienced #js #developers