


By Jagadeep Kumar K

What is JavaScript ?

JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. JavaScript can update and change both HTML and CSS.JavaScript can calculate, manipulate and validate data.

JavaScript used for?

JavaScript is a scripting language used to develop web pages. Developed in Netscape, JS allows developers to create a dynamic and interactive web page to interact with visitors and execute complex actions. It also enables users to load content into a document without reloading the entire page.

JavaScript has seven built-in types

? null

? undefined

? boolean

? number

? string

? object

? symbol .

Most Popular JavaScript Libraries

1. jQuery library.

2. React library.

3. D3.js library.

4. Underscore library.

5. Lodash library.

6. Algolia Places library.

7. Anime.js library.

8. Animate On Scroll library.

JavaScript is the dominant client-side scripting language of the Web, with 99% of all websites using it for this purpose. Scripts are embedded in or included from HTML documents and interact with the DOM.

JavaScript in various segments.

1. Web Development.

2. Web Applications.

3. Presentations.

4. Server Applications.

5. Web Servers.

6. Games.

7. Art.

8. Smartwatch Apps.


The Learning JavaScript foundations is essential for the anyone aspiring to become a successful developer in the today’s tech-driven world. From web development to the mobile and server-side development JavaScript offers the versatile and powerful platform for the building a wide range of the applications.



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