JavaScript Interview Questions (Part 4)
Thi?u Quang Khoa
?Performance Tuning at Wecommit Vi?t Name | Oracle Database | Software Engineering Major at FPT University | 7.0 IETLS?
61 What are the main rules of promise
62 What is callback in callback
63 What is promise chaining
64 What is promise.all
65 What is the purpose of the race method in promise
66 What is a strict mode in javascript
67 Why do you need strict mode
68 How do you declare strict mode
69 What is the purpose of double exclamation
70 What is the purpose of the delete operator
71 What is typeof operator
72 What is undefined property
73 What is null value
74 What is the difference between null and undefined
75 What is eval
76 What is the difference between window and document
77 How do you access history in javascript
78 How do you detect caps lock key turned on or not
79 What is isNaN
80 What are the differences between undeclared and undefined variables