Java is a set of software or systems for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform computing environment. Java is a robust programming language that is used to develop advanced software for a wide variety of devices and embedded systems. As a multi-platform compatibility technology that has an extensive and rich Application Programming Interface (API), it has helped create many of the new trends that have surfaced in modern IT.
Java is one of the most frequently-updated programming languages and it has recently released its new Spring framework; Spring 5.0.
These updates include:
· Core framework revision
· Faster startup time for applications
· Support for Kotlin programming language based on Java
· The reactive programming model for better API implementations and the management of asynchronous data streams
· Improved testing with JUnit 5 Jupiter for writing and running Jupiter-based tests in Spring
· Upgraded library versions such as Jackson 2.6, Hibernate 5.0, JDCB 4.0, and others
Here at Chetu, our Java software development team successfully modernize applications by replacing old frameworks with modern Java versions, tools, and libraries. We have expertise in full end-to-end migration for various applications and application modernization. We develop Java software that is secure, scalable, high-performing, and causes no business disruptions.