Java Multiple-Choice Questions
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Java Multiple-Choice Questions
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1. What is the entry point of a program in Java?
Answer:?A) main() method
Generally, the main() method is treated as the point where the flow of code starts.
2. JRE stands for ___.
Answer:?C) Java Runtime Environment
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment which provides an environment to run a java program.
3. JDK stands for ____.
A.???Java development kit
B.????Java deployment kit
C.????JavaScript deployment kit
D.???None of these
Answer:?A) Java development kit
JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is a platform to develop and run Java applications.
4. Which Java keyword is used to access features of a package?
Answer:?B) import
The?import?keyword is used to access features of a package.
5. Which of the following is the correct syntax to create a variable in Java?
Answer:?B) int name;
6. What makes the Java platform independent?
Answer:?B) It uses bytecode for execution
In Java, programs are compiled into byte code and that byte code is platform-independent.
7. Multiline comment is created using ___.
Answer:?B) /* */
Multi-line comments start with?/*?and ends with?*/. Any text between?/*?and?*/?will be ignored by Java.
8. What are the types of memory allocated in memory in java?
Answer:?C) Both A and B
Memory allocation in java occurs in two ways, mainly, stack and heap space.
9. Can the main() method be overloaded in Java?
Answer:?A) Yes
Yes, We can overload the main method in java but JVM only calls the original main method, it will never call our overloaded main method.
10. Which keyword in java is used for exception handling?
Answer:?C) throw
the?throw?is a keyword introduced in java for exception handling.
11. Method used to take a string as input in Java?
Answer:?B) Both A. and B.
The?next()?method can read the input only till the space. It can't read two words separated by space, while the?nextLine()?reads input including space between the words (that is, it reads till the end of line?\n).
12. Which class in Java is used to take input from the user?
Answer:?A) Scanner
The Scanner class is used to get user input, and it is found in the java. util package.
13. What is a framework ?
A. Software
B. Application
C. Operating System
D. set of tools and modules that can be reused for various projects
Answer: D. set of tools and modules that can be reused for various projects
Framework is therefore a set of tools and modules that can be reused for various projects
14. Which of these is a type of variable in Java?
Answer:?D) All of these
There are three types of variables in Java:
15. Is string mutable in Java?
Answer:?B) No
String in Java is immutable i.e., once defined the value cannot be changed.
16. What will be the output of following Java code?
public class Main {
?public static void main(String[] args) {
???String str = "Hello";
???str = "Bye";
Answer:?B) Bye
17. What is type casting in Java?
Answer:?A) It is converting type of a variable from one type to another
Type casting is when you assign a value of one primitive data type to another type.
18. Which type of casting is lossy in Java?
Answer:?B) Narrowing typecasting
In Narrowing typecasting data loss is there.
19. Which of the following can be declared as final in java?
Answer:?D) All of these
Class, method, and variables all can be declared as final in java.
20. Finally block is attached to?
Answer:?A) Try-catch block
Finally, block of code runs at the end of the try-catch block.
21. The break statement in Java is used to ___.
Answer:?A) Terminates from the loop immediately
The?break?statement in Java is used to terminate from the loop immediately.
22. What will be the output of following Java code?
public class Main {
?public static void main(String arg[]) {
???int i;
???for (i = 1; i <= 12; i += 2) {
?????if (i == 8) {
Answer:?B) No output
The condition?(i == 8)?could not be satisfied hence nothing cannot be printed.
23. Can the Java program accept input from the command line?
Answer:?A) Yes, using command-line arguments
In Java, we can also provide values (arguments) while calling the program through the command line. These arguments are known as Command Line Arguments.
24. Array in java is ___.
Answer:?A) Collection of similar elements
Array is a collection of similar elements.
25. Which of these is the correct method to create an array in java?
Answer:?E) All of these
26. Object in java are ___.
Answer:?B) References
Objects in Java are Reference Variables.
27. What is garbage collection in java?
Answer:?A) Method to manage memory in java
Garbage collection in Java is the process by which Java programs perform automatic memory management.
28. Static variables in java are declared as ___.
Answer:?C) Constants
The static variables declarations just like constants, they required?static?keyword and an initial value.
29. BigInteger Class is used to ___.
Answer:?D) All of these
All of the above points are correct with respect to a BigInteger class.
30. 'this' keyword in java is ___.
Answer:?A) Used to hold the reference of the current object
Java?this?keyword is used to hold the reference of the current object.
31. What will be the output of following Java code?
import java.util.Scanner;
class ThisKeyword {
?private int a = 4;
?private int b = 1;
?void getSum(int a, int b) {
???this.a = a;
???this.b = b;
???System.out.println(this.a + this.b);
public class Main {
?public static void main(String args[]) {
???ThisKeyword T = new ThisKeyword();
???T.getSum(3, 5);
Answer:?C) 8
The above Java program is an example to demonstrate the use of?this?keyword.
32. The 'super' keyword is used to ___.
Answer:?A) Access instance of the parent class
The?super?keyword refers to superclass (parent) objects. It is used to call superclass methods, and to access the superclass constructor.
33. The super() method is used to ___.
Answer:?C) Call constructor of the parent class
In Java programming language, the super() is a reference variable that is used to refer parent class constructors. The super can be used to call parent class's variables and methods. The super() can be used to call parent class' constructors only.
34. Wrapper class in java is ___.
Answer:?A) Used to encapsulate primitive data types
A Wrapper class is a class whose object wraps or contains primitive data types.
35. Boxing is ___.
Answer:?C) Converting primitive type of object instance
In Java programming language, the wrapper classes are those whose objects wraps a primitive data type within them. The wrapper class is used for converting primitive datatype to object is called boxing.
36. Abstract class is ___.
Answer:?D) All of these
An abstract class is a class that contains an abstract method. It is defined using abstract keyword only has method declarations and to use these methods, the abstract class needs to be inherited.
37. What is file handling in java?
Answer:?A) It is creating, deleting, and modifying files using a java program
File handling is used for creating, deleting, and modifying files using a java program.
38. How can we access methods for file handling in java?
To access the file handling methods, we need to use?
39. Which is the correct absolute path of a file in Java?
Answer:?A) C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\file_name.txt
The correct absolute path of a file in Java is:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\file_name.txt
40. Which method is used to add a new line to file in Java?
Answer:?C) file.write()
The?file.write()?method is used to add a new line to file in Java.
41. Which method deletes a file in Java?
Answer:?A) file.delete()
The?file.delete()?method is used to delete a file in Java.
42. Which method in java is used to read lines from file?
Answer:?C) file.getLine()
The?file.getLine()?method is used to read lines from a file.
43. The correct syntax to import the math library in java is ___.
Answer:?A) import java.lang.math
The correct syntax to import the math library in java is:
import java.lang.math
44. Which is/are valid method(s) of math library in java?
Answer:?D) All of these
Some common methods of the math library are?max(),?min(),?cbrt(),?pow(),?log(),?log10(), etc.
45. Which method in java is used to generate random numbers in Java?
Answer:?A) random.nextInt()
The Java method?random.nextInt()?is used to generate random numbers.
46. In java, recursion is ___.
Answer:?B) A process allowing methods to call itself
The recursion is a process by which a process allow methods to call itself.
47. What is stringBuffer in java?
Answer:?B) Class to create a mutable string in java
StringBuffer class is used to create modifiable strings in java.
48. Which of the following is a valid data structure in java?
Answer:?D) All of these
All of the above (Array, List, and Vector) are valid data structures in Java.
49. Which syntax is valid to create a vector in java?
Answer:?A) Vector < string > names = new Vector < String > ();
The?hex2bin()?function is used to convert hexadecimal values to the ASCII characters.
The syntax to create a vector in Java is:
Vector < string > names = new Vector < String > ();
50. What will be the output of following Java code?
import java.util.Scanner;
class ThisKeyword {
?private int a = 4;
?private int b = 1;
?void getSum(int a, int b) {
???this.a = a;
???this.b = b;
???System.out.println(this.a + this.b);
public class Main {
?public static void main(String args[]) {
???ThisKeyword T = new ThisKeyword();
???T.getSum(3, 5);
Answer:?B) [mango, orange, guava, mango, apple]
The output of the above program is:
[mango, orange, guava, mango, apple]
51. Which of these is true for interfaces in java?
Answer:?D) All of these
All of the above points are true for interfaces in Java.
52. Encapsulation is ___.
Answer:?A) Wrapping up of data and related functions into a single entity
In Java programming language, the encapsulation is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables) and code acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit. It is a object-oriented programming concept.
53. Which Java method is used to convert an object to string?
Answer:?B) toString()
Java method?toString()?is used to convert an object to string.
54. What is a comparator in Java?
Answer:?C) Interface to compare two objects in java
Java Comparator interface is used to order the objects of a user-defined class.
55. Which of the following methods are present in comparator interface?
Answer:?A) compare()
The comparator interface contains the following two methods,
56. Which of the following statements is not correct for vectors in Java?
Answer:?C) It is asynchronous
57. What will be the output of following Java code?
public class Main {
?public static void main(String[] args) {
???StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("include");
Answer:?D) Includehelp
The string here is a?StringBuffer?hence the contents can be edited which makes the append method work on it by adding 'help' to the end of the string.
58. What is a deadlock in Java?
Answer:?B) State when threads are in hold state forever
Deadlock in Java is a condition when two or more threads try to access the same resources at the same time.
59. Which graph is used to check for deadlock in Java?
Answer:?C) Wait-for-graph
The wait-for-graph is used to check for deadlock in Java.
60. Batch processing in java is ___.
Answer:?D) All of these
61. Null in Java is ___.
Answer:?D) All of these
All of the mentioned points are true about the Null in Java.
62. Enumeration in Java is ___.
Answer:?A) Data type which contains fixed set of constants
In Java, the Enumeration is a data type which contains a fixed set of constants, they are used to create our own data type like classes.
63. Can we pass objects to method arguments in Java?
Answer:?A) Yes
We use call-by-reference to pass objects as arguments to methods in java.
64. Which of the following ways is the correct way to create an object in Java?
Answer:?D) All of these
All of the above-mentioned ways are the correct way to create an object Java.
There are?five different ways to create an object?and we will see the ways to create an object given below:
65. Which statement is correct for private member in Java?
Answer:?C) Declared using private keyword
The private members are declared using the?private?keyword.
66. Which keyword is used to inherit classes in Java?
Answer:?A) extends
The?extends?keyword is used to inherit classes in Java.
67. Which of the following inheritance of class is invalid in Java?
Answer:?B) Multiple
Java doesn't allow multiple inheritance.
68. The 'implements' keyword is used to ___.
Answer:?B) Inherit an interface in Java
The?implements?keyword is used to inherit an interface in Java.
69. What is polymorphism in Java?
Answer:?A) Performing a single task in multiple ways
Polymorphism in Java is the ability of an object to take many forms.
70. What are packages in Java?
Answer:?C) Way to encapsulate a group of classes, sub-packages, and interface
Java packages are the ways to encapsulate a group of classes, sub-packages, and interface.
71. Empty interface in Java is called?
Answer:?A) Marker interface
Empty interface is called Marker interface in Java.
72. Which of these is a non-access modifier?
Answer:?C) native
The native is a non-access modifier in Java.
73. When a finally block executed in Java?
Answer:?C) Executed at last
Finally block is executed at the last.
74. What is boolean in Java?
Answer:?A) A value consisting of only true and false value
In Java, the boolean keyword is a primitive data type. It is used to store only two possible values, either true or false.
75. Which of these is not a valid Boolean method in Java?
Answer:?D) All of these
All are valid Boolean class methods. Some common methods are equals(),?hashCode(),?toString(),?valueOf(), etc.
76. Which method in Java is used to check for NaN values?
Answer:?A) isNan()
The?isNaN()?method is used to check for NaN values.
77. Which of these is a property of threads in Java?
Answer:?C) Both A. and B.
The multiple threads can be executed concurrently and it has own property.
78. Which thread is executed in the background?
Answer:?C) Daemon thread
The daemon thread is executed in the background.
79. Multithreading in java is ___.
Answer:?A) Executing multiple processes simultaneously
Multithreaded programming a process in which two or more parts of the same process run simultaneously.
80. What will be the output of following Java code?
public class Main {
?public static void main(String[] args) {
???System.out.println(Math.copySign(100.6, -200.6));
Answer:?B) -100.6
The?Math.copySign()?returns the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
81. Which method is used to convert radians to degree in Java?
Answer:?B) toDegrees()
The Java method?toDegrees()?is used to convert radians to degree.
82. Which of the following methods is used to extract the length of a string in Java?
Answer:?A) length()
The Java method?length()?is used to extract the length of a string in Java.
83. The trim() method in Java used to ___.
Answer:?C) Remove leading and trailing spaces
The Java method?trim()?is a built-in function that eliminates leading and trailing space.
84.What will be the output of following Java code?
public class ConcatNull {
?public static void main(String[] args) {
???String str1 = "include";
???String str2 = "help";
???System.out.println(str1 + str2);
Answer:?A) includehelp
In the above code, the "+" operator is concatenating both of the strings.
85. What is a map in Java?
Answer:?D) All of these
86. What is a set in Java?
Answer:?A) Represented in the form of values
87. What will be the output of following Java code?
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class HashTableClass {
?int hashcode;
?HashTableClass(int hashcode) {
???this.hashcode = hashcode;
?public int hashCode() {
???return hashcode;
?public String toString() {
???return hashcode + " ";
?public static void main(String[] args) {
???Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
???ht.put(new HashTableClass(10), "Java");
???ht.put(new HashTableClass(3), "C");
???ht.put(new HashTableClass(4), "C++");
???ht.put(new HashTableClass(5), "Ruby");
???ht.put(new HashTableClass(6), "null");
Answer:?B) {10 =Java, 6 =null, 5 =Ruby, 4 =C++, 3 =C}
88. Which of the following sorts the elements were inserted?
Answer:?A) Hashtable
Hashtable sorts the elements were inserted.
89. Which Java method is used to clear element of ArrayList?
Answer:?D) clear()
The?clear()?method of ArrayList in Java is used to remove all the elements from a list.
90. Which Java method is used to add all of the specified elements to the specified collection?
Answer:?D) addAll()
The?addAll()?method of?java.util.Collections?class is used to add all of the specified elements to the specified collection.
Q. 91 What is Bean in Spring?
Answer: B
Q.92 ?How can we configure the port of the springboot aplication running on a server?
B. Server.port=8080
C. Port=8080
Answer: B
Q.93 Springboot is widely known for?
Answer: A,B,D
Q.94 What does MVC stands for?
Answer: A
Q.95 The @SpringBootApplication annotation is equivalent to ?
Answer: B,C,D
Q.96 Which annotation is not Spring Boot Annotation?
Answer: D
Q.97 Minimum Java version needed for Spring Boot?
Answer: C
Q.98 Which of the following is used by Maven?
Answer: B
Q.99 ?Starting points of Spring Boot Application?
Answer: C
Q.100 ?@RestController is a combination of?
Answer: A,D