Java Inheritance

Java Inheritance

Alright, imagine you have a big family. In this family, there are grandparents, parents, and children. Now, think of each member of the family as a Java class.

In Java, inheritance is like the family relationship. It's when one class gets characteristics (or features) from another class. Just like how children inherit some traits from their parents and grandparents.

Let's say we have a class called "Parent" which has some attributes and methods. Now, if we create another class called "Child" and say that it "extends" the "Parent" class, it means the Child class will inherit all the attributes and methods of the Parent class.

So, if the Parent class has a method called "eat()" which makes the parent eat food, then the Child class will also have that method. But here's the cool part: the Child class can have its own methods and attributes too, just like how a child can have their own unique traits.

This helps in making our code more organized and saves us from writing the same code again and again. Just like in a family, we don't have to teach every child how to eat, they learn it from their parents and grandparents!

Inheritance helps in creating a hierarchy of classes, just like how in a family, there's a hierarchy of generations. So, in Java, when we talk about inheritance, think of it as passing down traits and behaviors from one class to another, just like how it happens in a big family.

Sure! Let's illustrate the concept of inheritance in Java with a simple example using a family analogy.

// Parent class

class Parent {

String eyeColor;

// Constructor

Parent(String color) {

this.eyeColor = color;


// Method

void displayEyeColor() {

System.out.println("Eye color: " + eyeColor);



// Child class inheriting from Parent

class Child extends Parent {

// Constructor

Child(String color) {

// Call the constructor of the Parent class



// Additional method specific to Child

void play() {

System.out.println("The child is playing.");



// Main class to test our classes

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create an instance of the Parent class

Parent parent = new Parent("Brown");

// Display the eye color of the parent


// Create an instance of the Child class

Child child = new Child("Blue");

// Display the eye color of the child (inherited from Parent)


// Call the play method which is specific to Child class;




  • We have a Parent class with an attribute eyeColor and a method displayEyeColor() to display the eye color.
  • We then create a Child class which extends Parent. This means Child inherits all the attributes and methods of Parent.
  • Child class has an additional method play() which is specific to the child.
  • In the main method, we create objects of both Parent and Child classes and demonstrate how inheritance works. The child object not only inherits the eyeColor attribute and displayEyeColor() method from the parent but also has its own method play().

This example shows how inheritance works in Java, where the child class gains the attributes and methods of the parent class, and can also have its own unique attributes and methods.

