Java Collections Framework: Lists, Sets, and Maps Explained
Sankhyana Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Data Driven Decision Science
Java is one of the most widely used programming languages, and its Collections Framework plays a crucial role in handling and manipulating data efficiently. Whether you're storing ordered elements, managing unique values, or mapping key-value pairs, the List, Set, and Map interfaces provide the foundation for working with collections in Java.
In this article, we will explore Lists, Sets, and Maps, understand their key differences, and see when to use each.
What is the Java Collections Framework?
The Java Collections Framework (JCF) is a set of interfaces and classes that help developers work with groups of objects in a structured way. It provides ready-to-use implementations of lists, sets, maps, and queues, reducing the need to write custom data structures.
The three most commonly used interfaces in Java Collections are:
Lists in Java
A List in Java is an ordered collection that allows duplicate elements. It is useful when you need to maintain the insertion order or store repeated values.
Popular implementations of List include:
Lists are useful when working with ordered data, such as maintaining a sequence of tasks or storing a collection of names.
Sets in Java
A Set is a collection that does not allow duplicate values. It is useful when you need to store unique elements only.
Popular implementations of Set include:
Sets are useful in scenarios such as managing unique user IDs, filtering duplicate records, or handling a collection of unique elements.
Maps in Java
A Map in Java is used to store key-value pairs. Each key in a Map must be unique, but multiple keys can have the same value.
Popular implementations of Map include:
Maps are useful for tasks such as storing configurations, managing employee records, or creating lookup tables.
Key Differences Between List, Set, and Map
When to Use List, Set, or Map?
The Java Collections Framework provides efficient ways to manage data using Lists, Sets, and Maps. Lists are best for ordered collections, Sets ensure uniqueness, and Maps allow efficient key-value storage. Choosing the right collection type helps in writing efficient and maintainable Java applications.
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