The Japanese Cheesecake Franchise Trend is Dominating F&B but Which Franchise Does It Best (facts and statistics)
It has been many years since something new and exciting came into the F&B market, and if you are anything like me you will remember a few trends that have come by. There was the Sweet corn trend, the Cold Stone ice cream trend, the Krispy crème trend, and the Turkish ice cream trend. And as much as we love those trends, we craved for something new and unique. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, came the Japanese cheesecakes. And boy are we going crazy for those perfectly sweet yet cheesy fluffy light cakes.
With all the craze going on over becoming a part of this trend and not just a consumer, there are a lot of questions potential franchise owners must ask themselves.
With all the craze going on over becoming a part of this trend and not just a consumer, there are a lot of questions potential franchise owners must ask themselves.
How can I become a franchisee? How much does it cost to become one?
Yet the most important question of all is, which franchise brand should I choose? And this question is the most important because the brand you choose will allow you to experience long term success versus a short-lived trend.
The short answer to this question is Uncle Fluffy. And here are the reasons why:
1.Uncle Fluffy Japanese Cheesecake Product Quality
With their headquarters in Dubai, Uncle Fluffy has a ton of certificates that ensure quality control and perfection of taste in every single cake they make. Just like how you expect every McDonald's burger to taste the same as the last one, Uncle Fluffy makes sure that every single one of their cakes is perfectly round, fluffy, and tasty. This is extremely important because it allows for great customer satisfaction with every purchase leading you to get return customers as a franchisee.
Have a look at this video here:
2.Uncle Fluffy Brand Power
Brand power ultimately is the king of the franchising world. Think of Starbucks, McDonald's, Dunkin' (Dunkin' Donuts) and KFC. While these companies offer great products, we all know a local small business that offers better coffee or better burgers. However, the reasons these brands are global and more popular than the small businesses is because these companies are able to demonstrate branding power worldwide.
Moreover, a very cool test can be done to help you understand this concept and whether it applies to Uncle Fluffy. If you simply type in your the google search bar “Japanese Cheesecake Franchise” you will find one of two things; either Uncle Fluffy will come as the first search or you will see it in the top 3! This is incredible and what this means is that google credits this brand as the leading brand for its category, which is, Japanese cheesecakes. Go ahead and try it out for yourself.
Another important thing to notice is that Uncle Fluffy operates 20 branches all around the world making it the leading Japanese Cheesecake franchise around the globe. This means that a franchisee will have an international support system and this is important since starting a new business in any area can be challenging and without the right support, success is difficult. Have a look at their website to learn about all the locations.
Finally, they have been featured on the top media sites such as which is arguably the number 1 website for entrepreneurship around the globe and Gulf News which is the leading media outlet in the Middle East. This also explains why their SEO ranking (Search Engine Optimization) is so good and this is important since as a franchisee you want people to find you as the first option on google to increase your delivery orders and number of visits to your branch.
3.Uncle Fluffy pricing and return on investment
This is the best part because the numbers are just outstanding. explains that Uncle Fluffy's average franchise option has a franchise fee of around $40,000 (and a total of $70,000 cash investment into the whole thing) and produces income of around $700,000 per year with a profit margin of 35-55%. This means that the return on investment is around 9.5 times! So your $40,000 can turn into $385,000 of pure profit in one year. The numbers speak loudly here. And compared to the competitors analyzed on for other Japanese cheesecake brands, which can cost you up to $500,000 to open, it makes absolute financial sense that Uncle Fluffy is the logical choice.
Uncle Fluffy's average franchise option has a franchise fee of around $40,000 (and a total of $70,000 cash investment into the whole thing) and produces income of around $700,000 per year with a profit margin of 35-55%. This means that the return on investment is around 9.5 times! So your $40,000 can turn into $385,000 of pure profit in one year.
In conclusion, it seems that from all the Japanese cheesecake franchise options out there (which are only a handful since the trend is so new and specialized) Uncle Fluffy is a no brainer. And it’s important to know this since one of the main rules of good business practice is to diverse our investments and having a hand in the F&B business is always a major plus since people will always love to eat and enjoy different foods.
I have taken the liberty to put down the information for anyone who is interested.
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