Japan opens its first overseas branch campus – in Malaysia
Japanese degrees are to be taught abroad for the first time, reports suvendrini kakuchi . Read the full story in University World News.
New UK campus alters perceptions of India’s HE landscape
INDIA-GLOBAL: The 英国南安普顿大学 has announced it has been granted a licence for an overseas branch campus. Shuriah Niazi and Yojana Sharma discuss the wide-ranging implications of this development. Read the full story in University World News.
University policies have not kept up with ‘everyday racism’
US: Angie Beeman argues university leaders should appoint people who understand the nuances of 'subtle racism' – not just their ability to superficially celebrate DEI. Read the full story in University World News.
Report calls for end to ‘world-class university’ model
UK: Nic Mitchell reports on a new paper published by the Higher Education Policy Institute under the provocative title, “Down with the World-class University: How our business models damage universal higher education”. Read the full story in University World News.
Thousands in HE funding quagmire as new model rolls out
KENYA: Ahead of the start of a new academic year, about 10,000 students find themselves navigating turbulent waters following their appeals for funding reclassification under the country’s new student-centred university funding model. Read the full story in University World News.
New partnership promotes HE’s contribution towards SDGs
Miriam Balanescu reports on an exciting new partnership between the University World News SDGs Hub and the International HETL Association . Read the full story in University World News.
Global student recruitment: Don’t expect any sudden shifts
Hans (J.W.M.) de Wit considers some of the complexities involved in planning international student mobility. Read the full story in University World News.
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