Japan Equity Strategy – Golden Week 2024 will be no holiday.
Neil Newman
Head of Strategy at Astris Advisory, Founder JAPANMACRO.com, Director Senrigan Capital Group Limited
But, is it a Perfect Storm or Desert Storm?
I have been thinking about the ‘risk off’ last week, or at least the positioning in the markets that would suggest weaker equities, stronger oil, stronger dollar, stronger gold and rising interest rates, and I’m not entirely convinced.
With the current scenario focused on war in the Middle East, in this note I take a quick look into the archives of 1991 and “Desert Storm”. It is entirely possible this war positioning catches everyone out.I was ill during the Gulf War in 1991, stuck at home with glandular fever.
I watched the whole thing more or less live on TV, with advertisements and some MTV. It was a first. Perhaps this is a second.
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