Vladimir Vinogradov
WOGNEWS.NET, Global Energy Market Climate Changes News. Новости мирового энергетического рынка, изменений климата.
The fifth strategic energy plan approved by the cabinet in July 2018 promotes conversion to high efficiency and next-generation coal-fired power generation in Japan in return for phasing out inefficient coal use.
METI on April 9 approved the policy draft, including setting a new regulatory target to raise Japan's efficiency in coal-fired power generation to 43% from 41% currently by amending the country's energy conservation act, which would effectively help phase out the country's inefficient coal-fired power plants.
METI has cited the need for Japan to move on reducing its power generation from inefficient coal-fired plants to close to zero to achieve its target of a 26% share for coal in its energy mix in fiscal 2030-31, as there are some new efficient plants under construction.
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