January Thoughts #2

January Thoughts #2

Autonomous Driving

Autonomous vehicles on UK roads will be a reality by 2026

On motorways you won’t need to think about driving anymore!

Ha, this should be easy

25% of drivers haven’t been doing this for decades

Too many distractions

Humans and technology are simply getting in the way

Is it time to ban humans from driving?

2019: In UK 30,000 people killed or seriously injured (Reported road collisions)

Plus 100,000 Foxes, 100,000 hedgehogs, 50, 000 badgers, 30-50,000 deer

Worldwide: 1.2 to 1.35 million lives lost.


In silence you discover your authentic self

Tapping into your greatest value and authenticity

This is where the power lies

True conviction is in fear words

Often the powerful moments are not when you are speaking

But when you pause and make room

For the other person

Silence in business

Silence and conversation has a way of coaxing deeper thoughts to surface

The most important words that will ever pass between you and your prospect

Are the words spoken by them

Not by you


