Sharon Danzger, CFA, PCC
Empowering individuals to enhance productivity, performance, and well-being through leadership coaching and corporate training.
This past August, I moved to Florida. In addition to mild winters, I find great joy in having the opportunity to swim outside all year round.
I only recently discovered that when college swim teams from up North visit in January, the pool where I swim with Wahoo Palm Beach Masters Swimming, switches from “short course” (25 meters) to “long course” (50 meters.) At first, I thought this would be great - fewer lengths means fewer flip-turns and less strain on my back.
To my surprise, during yesterday’s workout, I found myself thinking about something I read in Katy Milkman’s book, How to Change. She talks about how making smaller, more frequent commitments are more effective than larger less frequent ones. This is true even if the outcome is the same.
When I am swimming, each time I touch the wall, it’s a small achievement that brings me one length closer to my workout goal. When that distance becomes twice as long (in a long course pool) each little goal is now twice as big! It feels harder, even though the outcome is the same.
Today the pool switched back to short course, so I have some time to think about how to make the transition more smoothly next time.
Even if you don’t set New Year’s resolutions, you may still set annual goals. I like to set goals around mental and physical well-being in addition to my professional work goals. When looked at on a yearly basis (number of books read or miles swam) it can feel overwhelming. But, if I apply the methodology of taking smaller steps to larger goals (setting little ‘micro-goals’), week by week my small achievements enable me to celebrate my progress toward a bigger goal. As a result, the annual goal no longer seems so daunting.
What about you? Do you set big goals in January? How do you stay encouraged and motivated?
And, if you happen to be a swimmer who easily transitions between long and short course pools, I’d love some advice!