The January 6 Legacy
And much more

A true perspective
'PeacefulBLM VS Jan-6 insurrection

The January 6 Legacy And much more A true perspective

Twenty-six FBI informants were there on January 6th. It’s not like the President was the only one who knew this was happening and could have called in for more support. The FBI clearly knew about the ‘The March.’ The Capitol building was not well policed.? January 6th begins to look more like an accident that was not accidental and that was contrived by trying to make the capitol look like a soft target for anyone with a grievance. More significantly, the participation of so many FBI informants (and these are still only the ones they admit to…) was kept a secret until after the 2024 election that Trump won. ???


Trump held a rose garden event where he addressed a crowd and urged a peaceful March to the Capitol.


This was a protest of the election that Trump still does not accept. He is not the first presidential candidate who felt the election was not fair. Nixon thought Kennedy has gamed the elections in Chicago and in Texas but ultimately did not protest because he thought it would divide the country too much.? Hillary Clinton ginned up the Steele Dossier – a fictious account that was marketed as independent research instead of as the made-up partisan paid-for hit job that it was. ?It was used to attack Trump as he ran for office as well as while he was President providing the rationale for further investigations of Trump (Mueller Report). The Dossier and Hillary herself asserted that Trump benefitted from Russian interference. She continued to say - ?a long after Trump was elected- ?that the election victory over her was not fair. ?She even looked into trying to turn some of Trumps electors in the electoral college to her cause. Democrat Stacey Abrams declared she was robbed in Georgia. Democrats act as if Trump was the first person ever to protest the fairness of an election.? Of course, to them, the issue is not election denial it is the Jan-6 event and they blame Trump for that and keep trying to make him culpable. They call it an act against democracy and out country where in fact there was nothing there that could have overturned the election and no possibility of installing him as president. No army was ready to take over and no country ready to recognize him as the rightful winner. NOTHING. This is Democrat fantasy.


The event at the capitol is a tawdry affair that seems to have a number of anomalies that touch a number of different political actors. Democrats want to blame Trump alone. The FBI presence has been long hidden and not revealed until after Trump won this third election. It is among the things Democrats have continued to hide. Their lack of candor erodes their credibility.


Democrats also ignore Chuck Schumer’s railing on the steps of the Supreme Court at the Justices over his preferred verdict on Roe V. Wade.


January 6th is an affair that can only be viewed through partisan glasses. These glasses always imply a point of view and no perspective is possible.


But election beefs are not uncommon. When Barack Obama ran for office he enlisted a group call Acorn to help him register voters. Republicans complained about those tactics and when Obama ran the second time, he did not use the services of Acorn.


As for Trump…he was beaten on the numbers, on voting, during a pandemic when long standing voting rules were suspended. There have been complaints about a massive shift in the voting tally in Pennsylvania after the polls were closed and counting was no longer supervised. ??And other complaints about vote harvesting and about several states where state judges – in violation of Federal election laws- ordered polls to be kept open longer.? It is not that there were no election irregularities or that the Trump challenges were all wrong, but that no judge was willing to step up and call any of these transgressions severe enough to overturn the election. But taken together who really knows?


Spin ahead and let’s look for some perspective here…

Four years later, 2024, Trump and Biden were set to go at it again. This time Trump buried Biden in a debate that exposed Biden’s acuity issues and Biden stepped aside – after being brusquely pushed- and Kamala emerged as the new candidate.


But, the at the convention Kamala and Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro referred to the Trump comment from Carlotte of seven years ago when he said there are ‘ good people on both sides.’ Democrats have long used this to demonize Trump as evidence of his support of skin heads and KKK members...except it is wrong he never did that. ?That is not what Trump said or meant and yet it is the ‘legacy’ Democrats have nurtured and many in the Press have followed this lead. But before the Democrat convention in 2024 SNOPES, the ‘liberal’ vetting service, after seven years finally looked into this matter and agreed that this expression wrongly accused Trump. He was not talking about those marchers but instead about the debate on statues and the people who wanted them removed Vs those that wanted to keep them. Trump said there were good people on both sides on this argument. Indeed, there was at least one Black minister who wanted the statues kept as reminder of how people, who did the things these men did, were fondly remembered despite their racist acts- because of their money and influence – there were good people on both sides.


Was the election REALLY fair?

In fact, the ‘big question’ is this: really were the Trump-Biden elections really fair? I know…you really can’t ask that- it’s wrong. But there has been no real investigation of this. Democrats treated this like many other things; once a position is taken it is true and cannot be assailed. Examples: ?The elections were free and fair. The vaccines worked. Fauci represented science. Lockdowns were good. Climate change is real and due to man’s action and to carbon. None of this is debatable among Democrats. That also goes for the border being safe, for migrants being not dangerous, for less law and order being good-as well as much stranger stuff about gender. When they say the elections were fair you have only one response: WORD!


However, four years later, with over a billion dollars spent to demonize Trump in the election, and ?after repeated episodes of lawfare against him, with a woman candidate, a black person- part Indian – she attracted 7mln fewer voters than Biden four year ago. Where did they go? Were they real? Republican votes for president that had also risen during the pandemic, continued to rise in 2024. But Democrats lost an enormous number of votes after spending over one billion dollars. I think that is quite strage given the range of events and how much money they spent to demonize Trump. So were the votes from four years ago real? In my view this recent Trump victory and Democrat performance puts the vote of four year ago in a very different context. Was it really fair?



Do you trust democrats? If so, Why?

Certainly, Democrats have done a lot over the last four years that has been idiosyncratic and that alienated a lot of voters. Their own anti-democratic ways of choosing candidates in elections has relied on the Democrat elite. That makes them unsuitable for holding any high ground on the subject of supporting democracy. The party torpedoed Bernie Sanders’ candidacy to instead support Hillary. ??Then, after Trump beat Hillary and ran for re-election Bernie was top dog again, the party intervened and selected Biden as the candidate ordering/urging all other candidate to leave the campaign- and they did. Similarly in 2024 when Biden ran for re-election, Democrats blocked and pushed others out of the primary process ensuring that Biden would be the candidate even as they were aware of his drop off in acuity.? But they held Biden as their ‘man’ and promoted that view and denied all naysayers even calling those who saw Biden’s acuity loss as real calling that claim an invention of lies and accusing them of doctoring videos. ?Even so, the time came when they were no longer able to lie and had to turn to Kamala who became the candidate. The last Lie was that Joe made a personal decision for the good of the party. The truth is he was pushed and he fell and they put a good face on it. We see this plainly now since Kamala lost Joe asserts that he never should have been replaced and claims he could have beaten Trump- dream on.


These events to me conspire to put January 6th in a very different perspective. Democrats live in a dream world of their own making, with ‘facts’ of their own choosing. And I have not even mentioned all the BLM riots that had occurred prior to the Capitol building episode across the country that Democrats had supported and called ‘peaceful actions’ even though most of them were anything but peaceful. The Capitol ‘riot’ is nothing compared to the BLM actions. Downtown Seattle still isn’t the same. Lies repeated to make a new truth fail in their task.


The end of…Truth & Trust?

I think what is ending is an era of government being able to tell us things that are patently wrong and expecting we will believe them. We can go back to the Warren Commission and to the assassination’s ‘magic bullet’ as further evidence of deception. Parkland doctors broke a 50-year silence to finally declare that JFK had bullet entry/exit wounds that plainly described a gunshot from in front not from behind (Where Oswald was). ?Although that tactic is so useful and has been so long used that it will die hard. We are currently seeing it still in view over the drone issue – a phenomenon that is being denied by government. Or… we are being told government does not know the source of the drones but that the drones are no threat. That makes no sense at all. Saying there is no unusual drone activity makes no sense either – we can all see them. Once again, our government is lying to us and finds barefaced obvious lying a better strategy than telling us The Truth. Why? ?What are they hiding? How did we get to this point?


Democrats 2024 and 2025

And after all of that and seeing people riled up over the results of an election that they do not seem to understand and whose results- especially now in hindsight – seem peculiar, election backlash is not so hard to understand. ?When government is acting the way ours has been acting does it deserve the benefit of the doubt? ??Let’s also understand that this Biden team that did takeover, used its very thin margin of victory to pass some enormous spending bills that were strongly opposed by Republicans as well as other actions that significantly affected living standards and quality of life. Democrats oversaw some massive changes in policy, rules, and the enforcement of laws, and did this without having any mandate. Still, they rerouted the country and the economy. ???Despite no advantage in the Senate, Democrats could win votes in the Senate with the VP as a tie-breaker.


I find this whole recent election-loss episode very strange because despite democrats’ demonization of Trump, and of what he has done, they could not beat him. ?I find Democrat actions to have been worse than Trump’s. And what makes them worse-still, is that this behavior has been party-wide. Trump is one person acting as he does- this is much more excusable (Idiosyncratic). But what excuse is there for what Democrats have done where even at the state level in Georgia and in NY Trump has been pursued- often using odd or novel legal concepts. Although, he only seems to commit ‘crimes’ in heavily Democrat-controlled areas...How strange.


This is a highly divisive time in America. I have lost friends because I voted for Trump.? And, while there might be a tendency to say good riddance- not real friends- I don’t see it that way. These were and are good people and I just wonder why is it that they hate Trump so badly that anything he touches becomes radioactive and must be jettisoned.? I don’t get it. And I reject their interpretation of Jan-6. The concocted Jan-6 kangaroo court committee could not even make any charges that stuck to trump and now there are allegations about how they handled witnesses and used them.? Democrats are strongly warning that Trump is not interested in governing but only in personal vendetta. This is because they do not want to be pursued. They went after Trump and do not want to be held accountable. I believe some are afraid of being held accountable. Of course, the more effort spent on them the less progress might get made in other areas – so their complaining is not completely wrong. Still, if those wrongdoers are not brought to justice…they will do it again and again. It must be stopped. They continue to assert (like Adam Schiff) that people voted for their own interests not for what’s best for the nation in electing Trump. In short, Democrats remain in denial. They still just don’t get it. We saw what they did, and they think we will forget. I guess they can ‘remember’ their version of Jan-6, and we will remember everything else…


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