January '24 Benedictine Newsletter
Saint Benedict’s Abbey 1020 North Second Street Atchison, KS.? 66002
“If you feel the communion of the saints, if you live it, you’ll gladly be a man (or woman) of penance. And you will realize that penance is “Gaudium, etsi laboriosum” (joy despite hardship) and you will feel yourself “allied” to all the penitent souls that have been, that are, and that ever will be.”
(The Way 548 St. Josemaría Escrivá)
Joy despite hardship.? (After consulting a Latin geek, we could say “joy in-spite of much hardship”)? Let this be our motto brothers and sisters for 2024.? (I’ll allow my esteemed colleague to go into more depth on the beautiful Latin origin of this phrase.)? [Editor’s note:? Thank you, sir.]? Nothing defines being a BENEDICTINE Oblate more than focusing on Christ, others and then yourself, all with true Joy.? For this new year, we shall explore what it means to be filled with God’s Joy, and further, how to LIVE that Joy, despite being in prison.? There are some who feel that the self is to be completely put aside. I struggle with this, as I believe we cannot give, what we do not have.? If we do not have Joy and Peace within ourselves, it’s impossible to give to others.? We cannot live that which we do not know.? We could just put on a smiley face and pretend.? As criminals, we are all capable of doing this. The problem with this plan is: First--it’s fake. Second--listening to St. Paul, we must clothe ourselves with Christ. “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ...” (Romans 13:14) Jesus was not a pretender.? He was point blank, filled with God’s Joy, and Peace.? This is not to say He never struggled.? Our history of His life, recorded in God’s Holy Word is filled with His emotions, His struggles, and, His triumphs.? He is our living example.? The secret to God’s joy, is remembering, it is His Joy, gifted to you, and lived out only by His strength.? “The fruits of charity are joy, peace, and mercy; charity demands beneficence and fraternal correction; it is benevolence; it fosters reciprocity and remains disinterested and generous; it is friendship and communion:” (C.C.C. 1829)? “But above all these things have charity...” (Col. 3:14)? So, what have we surmised thus far?? The key to living with true Joy and the Peace of Christ, is simple.? Charity.? The Love of God.? Loving God above all else.? Putting Him first, in your heart and soul. Submitting, completely to Him, trusting that no matter what hardship we are facing, that He is in absolute control.? Knowing that He always has our very best in mind, and that He loves us utterly and completely.? Once we learn to love ourselves, we are fully capable of loving others.? Jesus says in St. Matthew 22:39 to “love your neighbor as yourself...”? Have you ever really considered this verse?? I mean what does this mean?? I assure you, it is not ‘self-love’ in the definition of the worlds love.? Christs’ love is selfless and unconditional.? Human love is quite the opposite.? Loving ourselves is important, however.? When we take the time to examine ourselves, address those things which are against what Jesus teaches, forgive ourselves, and truly love the gift of self, which God, Himself, gave each one of us, we are investing in a ‘bank account’ deep within our hearts.? A bank account which we can steadily make withdrawals from, in order to be what we are called to be as Oblates.? Sacred Scripture was, and still is a key in this investment for me.? Second is the Catechism, and third is my copy of The Holy Rule.? I base everything in my personal constitution on these three Sacred Texts.? Invest the time to practice Lectio Divina in these three books.? It will yield an incredible harvest.? One of which you will never see the results in their entirety this side of Heaven.? Live God’s Joy. Be a shining example to the men and women all around you. Gaudium, etsi laboriosum.? Never let the darkness, frustration, nor the inability to forgive yourself stand in the way of passing on this wonderful gift.? You are gifted with life, for a purpose. No matter if you can see what it is or not, believe it!? Trust in He who holds the universe in the palm of His hand.? Look at your struggles, allow the strain to strip you of those things which God deems unnecessary.? He always knows best.? Do not shrink away from your problems, or just fake it.? All things in our lives serve a purpose.? To conform our hearts and minds to the likeness of Christ.? That, is true Joy.? A blessed and Happy New Year.? I look forward to the months ahead, and pray that you do as well!
May God and Mary be with you!? Pax!
Oratio Devota
(said “Oar-AH-tsee-oh / Day-voh-tah”) is where we take a little Latin, the ancient and sacred language of Holy Mother Church, and apply it to our daily lives.? This month’s phrase is:
“Gaudium, etsi laboriosum”
(said:? Gow-dee-oom / eht-see / lah-bohr-ree-oh-soom)
This gem does in fact come from St. Josemaría Escrivá.? Since I was “voluntold” by my co-author to bloviate further both in English as well as Latin, I cannot refuse a brother Oblate! [Laugh, now]? St. Josemaría Escrivá was the founder of Opus Dei. (Work of God).? This foundation was poorly popularized (demonized, more correctly, I feel) by Dan Brown in The DaVinci Code and the rest of that tripe he wrote, but, what do you expect from a heretic?!? The real Opus Dei isn’t about monks killing cardinals or any of that Hollywood crap.? (I can hear my esteemed co-author in an Irish accent already: “Tone is down, dere, Blovius maximus!”, but, I won’t!)? The real organization was founded in Madrid, Spain, on October 2, 1928, by St. Josemaria Escriva. In 1982, St. Pope John Paul II established it as a personal prelature of international scope through the Apostolic Constitution Ut Sit. Its full name is: “The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.”? Personal prelatures are canonical structures, foreseen by the Second Vatican Council, which are established to carry out special apostolic tasks: in the case of Opus Dei, to spread through every sector of society a deep awareness of the universal call to sanctity and apostolate, and more specifically of the sanctifying value of ordinary work.? "Yours is truly a great ideal," said St. Pope John Paul II in 1979, "which from its beginnings anticipated the theology of the laity which later characterized the Church of the Council and the post-conciliar era.? Such is the message and the spirituality of Opus Dei: to live united to God in the midst of the world in any situation, each one struggling to be better with the help of grace and to make Jesus known with the testimony of his or her own life." At present there are over 84,000 members of the Prelature, priests and laity from every continent.? So, why is the slogan above so relevant and important?? THE Church is under attack, yet again!? So, I recap all of this to say that I, for one, am glad I survived this year. I have had 5 kidney stones since February, an aortic aneurysm which was an “oh, by the way” finding from the CT scan of the kidney stones.? I already had heart surgery in 1972, and really do not want this aneurysm to “pop” as that will be the end of life.? April comes as I am slogging through the kidney stones and my parents both contracted the Covid and had to fly down to care for both of them and side-lined the kidney stone work. ? I was fortunate to be able to do just that and did not think of my own health, as I actually neglected myself for my parents.? I will call this 4th Commandment duty <laugh now>.? I just got rid of the last kidney stone on 12/12/2024 on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.? She had my back!? The aneurysm is still there however, and I have had to close my construction business and look for a less strenuous form of employment, as I haven’t worked since April.? The last ten months have really been a challenge.? I hope when I do die, St. Peter shows me the list of souls this suffering has liberated from Purgatory!!? So, why do I tell you all of this?? We must take up the banner of “Gaudium, etsi laboriosum” as this is what we are called to DO, where we are!? Regardless of what your situation in life may be, do you willfully pick up your cross and carry it?? Does anybody that you associate with doubt that you are a Benedictine Oblate?? If so, then, WHY?? I have known several who are shocked that I am a Benedictine Oblate BECAUSE of my time in prison.? I have also been blessed with “THIS GUY IS BENEDICTINE” as well and in fact, they are shocked that I was in prison at all.? I credit this to Jesus and praying the Divine Office as well as The Rule of St. Benedict in Latin and English, as I was a HUGE slacker prior to prison, regarding my Catholic faith.? Do not be such a moron as I was prior to becoming an Oblate is my advice to you all.? I close with this:? exemplify joy through all things, as GOD chastises the ones he loves.? Don’t have enough canteen?? Gaudium, etsi laboriosum.? Don’t have any phone time?? Gaudium, etsi laboriosum.? Not getting any mail?? Gaudium, etsi laboriosum.? My cellie is _________?? Gaudium, etsi laboriosum.? Please know that you are loved, prayed for, and cared about.? Your past is irrelevant: our job is to unite in Christ and save souls!? Gaudium, etsi laboriosum!? Cor Iesu sacratissimum, miserere nobis!? (Most sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!)? Never forget your place!? Be a beacon of Benedictine Oblation, regardless of what others think!? “SLACKER CATHOLICS--BE YOU NOT!”? Take this from me, a most excellent slacker Catholic, but for my reversion, during prison!? You are all in my prayers during the Office!
“Pax + Domini sit + semper nobis+cum!”
Book of the month:??
The Way, The Furrow, and The Forge
?by: St. Josemaría Escrivá ISBN:? ?978-1889334721
This book is a great daily meditation for all of us who wish to improve our lives, regardless of how much time we are afforded to do so!? Both he and John Paul II have “SAINT” as a precursor to their names, so, it is a good idea to implement what they both had to say.
Prayer Intentions and Requests:
For regular availability of the sacraments and sacramentals in all prisons.
For the continued growth of the Benedictine Oblates.
For all the holy souls in Purgatory who have none to pray for them.
For the poor and downtrodden.
For the true conversion of sinners to Holy Mother Church.
For the conversion of apostates and the confused to Holy Mother Church.
For all our brothers and sisters throughout the world in solitary confinement.
For the intentions of that we hold silently in our hearts.
Important Dates in January:
1-Octave Day of the Nativity of Our Lord; 2-Holy Name; 4-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; 5 Sts. Telesphorus & John Neumann; 6-EPIPHANY; 7-HOLY FAMILY; 11-St. Hyginus; 13-Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord; 15-Sts. Paul the First Hermit & Maurus; 16-St. Marcellus, Pope & Martyr; 17-St. Anthony, Abbot; 18-St. Prisca; 19-Sts. Marius, Martha, Audifax, Abachum, & Canute; 20-Sts. Fabian & Sebastian; 22-Sts. Vincent & Anastasius & National Day of Prayer for the Unborn; 23-Sts. Raymond Penafort & Emerentiana; 24-St. Timothy, Bishop; 25-Conversion of St. Paul; 26-St. Polycarp; 27-St. John Chrysostom; 28-Septuagesima Sunday; 29-St. Francis de Sales, Doctor; 30-St. Martina; 31-St. John Bosco, Confessor.
Do you have questions or comments about the Prison Oblate Program?? Write to:? Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB, Director of Prison Oblates, St. Benedict’s Abbey, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS.? 66002.? Share this newsletter with a friend, prayer partner, or fellow parishioner, wherever you may be located.
Certified Professional Life Coach at Life Coaching Institute of America - Mother of 6.
1 年Hello Brian. Can you please send me the PDF Prison Oblate newsletter of January of last year, 2023? Thank you very much. (For some reason I cannot message you directly!)