January 21st: Ball Don't Lie
Will Bubenik
Digital Accessibility Specialist (CPACC, Trusted Tester) - I Help Businesses Deliver Accessible Online Experiences
If you know me well, you know that I talk a lot of smack on the basketball court. It's where I am in my element, playing in the flow of the game. I am usually a physical, tough-nosed player, and I'm not afraid to get into it with another player.
Whenever I play pickup and there is a controversial foul call that neither team can agree on, I immediately say "Ball don't lie." What I mean by this, is the player responsible for the most arguing shoots the ball at the three point line, and if they make the shot, they get the ball, get the points, or 'win' the argument. If they miss, vice versa.
I've always used this tactic because I am a firm believer in karma, but I also believe in the spirit of the game. Somehow, someway, the game finds a way to even itself out.
However, you see this time and time again in sports. How many times does a player actually tell the referee that the ball was actually out of bounds on them, or that they actually weren't fouled? They want to play the game and system to have it be in their favor.
In Seth Godin's podcast Akimbo, he speaks about the sport of Ultimate Frisbee (s2.e17). Ultimate Frisbee is the only sport where players call their own fouls. It's crazy to think, but it helps preserve the integrity of players so they can play in the true spirit of the game.
Take a second and think about that...as it applies to life. Do we as managers and employees play in the spirit of the game, or do we try and get ahead no matter what corners we try to cut? If we are going to continue to let complaining and manipulating thrive in professional sports, in life, and in our culture, we are continuing the status quo instead of the true spirit of the game.
Godin talks about this concept masterfully in that episode. Highly suggest you give it a listen.
To wrap it all up, next time the ball goes out on you and it's a 50/50 call, are you going to be the one to say that it was on you?