January 2025 Newsletter

January 2025 Newsletter

2024 has been a great year for DLR Elastomer Engineering Ltd

We've seen great growth and record sales across and we continue to back this up with our continuous improvement program to make 2025 our best year yet!

Lighting the way

As autumn arrived and transitioned into winter, we were hit those short, dark days and never ending nights, arriving at work in darkness and leaving as the street lights come on.

To counteract the general dullness brought on by autumn and winter and to aid with quality and health and safety, DLR Elastomer Engineering Ltd have invested in brand new, low energy lighting across the whole shop floor area.

Manufacturing cells now have targeted lighting enabling us to view product much more clearly at all stages of production. This also makes the detection of any defects or imperfections much easier (as finding a flaw on black rubber sheet in poor lighting can be more difficult than you may think).

Not only can we now see much better, but all the extra light has also made an impact on the general mood about the place.

A brighter future

Guiding the way

To further brighten up the production areas and to improve safety, we have also put in place new painted walkways.

A deep clean and a lick of paint has helped to brighten up the whole shop floor area and created clear demarcation for pedestrians as well as clearly identifying areas where the use of Personal Protective Equipment is mandatory.

All-in-all the whole building is starting to become a much brighter and lighter place and with the introduction of our quarterly Town Hall meetings and the forming of a Health and Safety team we're really focussing on creating a safer and more hospitable working environment for the whole team.

Building for the future

As December drew to a close and the last customer orders for the year had been despatched, that was the ideal time to let our hair down and have a little fun.

So, on the 20th December, we all took part in our very first ever Team Building day!

A number of challenges were set during the morning session to test both mental and physical agility. From building bridges from straws to a blindfolded assault course and dropping eggs from height without damaging them, we really put the team through their paces to get them thinking about communication, health and safety, problem solving and (unintentionally) pushing rules to their very limits.

Stacks of pizza over lunch fuelled the afternoon session where we were tasked with building an bean bag cannon from garden canes, followed by a rapid fire shoot out on the target range.

The whole session was rounded off with a festive Christmas quiz and award ceremony with a selection of prizes from DLR Elastomer Engineering Ltd and also some donated by our generous suppliers and customers.

We're already planning our next event for 2025 as we continue to invest in our team to make DLR the premier rubber product manufacturer in the UK

Secret Weapon Mk1

Secret Weapon Mk2

Secret Weapon Mk3

Making the Dream Work

What does the future hold?

Rubber sheet has been part of DLR Elastomer Engineering for over 100 years and is very much a core product for us. We have some of the best plant and people in the rubber business and really want to build on this further in 2025, so behind the scenes we have been working tirelessly to develop our new range of rubber sheeting. We have big plans for 2025 which include:

  • Stock holding of all core rubber sheet grades
  • New and improved technical datasheets and material selection tools
  • Improved technical support
  • New costing and quotation tools
  • New product branding and packaging
  • Comprehensive pricing structure
  • Fixed lead times for non-stocked items

As the world of rubber is ever-evolving, we too are changing to meet the demands of the market. As we develop and design our new range, we are keen to know what our customers need and what will give them a competitive advantage and the ability to win and retain new business.

If you have a specific technical challenge, or you have issues finding a reliable supplier that can support your business, then we'd love to hear from you to see if we can help.

Just contact us at [email protected] or call us on 01772 450930 or go to

Contact DLR | DLR Contact Number | DLR Elastomer Engineering

and contact one of the team directly


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