Greetings and welcome to 2024! A new year holds many promises as we contemplate what we want to achieve. Yet do we ever consider how far we have come, grown and know? Whatever your intentions are, may this year bring many Divine blessings. To get a sense of the month ahead please read on.
Well, here we are, the beginning of 2024 and what would you like your year to be about? This is a time we give serious thought to our choices and plans. Although the trend is to begin anew, there is a presence of dealing with the old instead. As much as we may want to consider the future, we are drawn more towards the past be it our memories, the people, the experiences. It’s not all bad or negative as it can be reminders of what we want to realize for ourselves- long held dreams, plans and wishes. This may be where we contemplate what needs to be done to fulfill some or where we let go of some because it doesn’t hold the same value as before. Other ways the past shows up is via the people we have not seen or heard from by going down memory lane or by putting some things to rest once and for all. It will vary and it’s all to create a sense of closure in some manner. The past often takes a beating and yet, it is an important part of our lives- we gain wisdom from history especially if we look upon it in a way that teaches us to be better the next time around.
There is a strong presence of wanting to heal whether that be the body, the mind, the soul or the material side of life. Many are feeling tired of what keeps happening in our world, personally and collectively ( i.e. war). It seems like everything is on repeat and this a part of the #9 energy- to help us see the patterns in life so that we can resolve and release these in a manner that helps us become lighter. Essentially, we want to put to rest the problems and challenges we keep facing.
What do you want to let go of this month? What thoughts, actions, feelings keep repeating for you, for us? It’s easy to feel guilty about what has been done and not done as we replay some of our choices and decisions. Secrets and past actions come to light and for some, this means being seen as guilty. There may be some public figures/corporations that receive unwanted attention for past activities. In another way guilt and guilty can be where we indulge in certain pleasures.
The phrase “suit yourself” shows up as a popular reference to how we go about business, both personally and professionally. It may not be that we say this a lot but where it refers to the consensus of how we feel with others. In a way, this can be a beneficial attitude as it helps us become not so entwined with what people do and we can let go of getting worked up over stuff that takes place. It also defers one from feeling responsible for what others choose and we realize how controlling we can be when we take on the notion of “suit yourself”.
There is a pull to wanting to finalize plans. We look to completing and seeing the results of past actions that were already started, however long ago. Be aware of not rushing or forcing these matters as you may find yourself having to repeat certain tasks, doing things over again to get it to where you want it to be.
With all that takes place, there is an attitude of “forever”. This means we either say or feel that certain notions, decisions and actions are referred as it will be till the end- such as in life and/or times. Despite this not always being the case, forever and ever shows up more than usual.
Two interesting themes came up-reservoir and churning. If taken together in the literal sense this could be where reservoirs will be churning –lol. Yet, the energies of these words appear as how we relate to ourselves and life. Reservoir as in what we have in large or not so large supply whether that be materially, physically, emotionally, intellectually, mentally and spiritually. Churning as in what do we move or have moving with great force in our lives materially, physically, emotionally, intellectually, mentally and spiritually. This could be how we reference our individual lives- what reservoirs we have when it comes to certain areas and what do we keep churning? I wonder what events from the year 2020 will appear this month as when I look at the numbers, there is a likelihood some issues will resurface.
The Kangaroo is January’s Spirit Animal. Although it is indigenous to Australia, it is well-known around the world and the number 9 is about the world whether it is present in our local area or not. A major trait with the kangaroo is that it symbolizes if it is time to take a leap of faith or a period of waiting, watching, and building in preparation for a big transition in your life. Again, this correlates with the #9 energy as it has to do with being wise with our choices due to past experiences. When reading about the spiritual meaning, I found one to be particularly helpful- that we need to be grounded in life. Yes we are spiritual beings but we are human and at times not only do we need to be real with what is going on and has taken place but we also need to have a firm foundation with reaching some of our objectives. I also want to point out kangaroos are vegetarians and if you find yourself easily drained, adding more vegetables to your diet and cutting back on meats may help bring up your energy levels. I recommend reading the spiritual and biological meanings of the kangaroo to get your own sense of what connects to you.
Finally, the card of the month which is the Ten of Spades. Not an easy card as it represents disappointment(s) and discouragement(s). Be mindful with promises as they are easily broken whether they were made by you or another. Although we are dealing with unpleasant feelings and actions associated with this card, it teaches us to overcome and find ways to heal what hurts us and why. The 10 of spades helps us overcome ideals that are not suited for us and where we can let go of expectations.
Well, I hope this forecast sheds some light for you and helps heal what is holding you back from reaching your goals. My Guides The Counsel and I wish you a month of ease and grace. Until next time, be well and stay safe.
Feel free to like, comment and share this forecast with your networks as I appreciate all the support generated from what I do. If you would like to know what your numbers represent and what kind of year is in store for you by what I do, please book a reading by sending me an email to: [email protected] or send me a DM on my FB/IG Page: Inlightin Energy.
Thank you!
?Tina De Luca