January 2024 Edition

January 2024 Edition

Included in this edition:

  • SiC First Publication is OUT!
  • Security In Context Insecurity Monitor Issue 1, Vol. 1 - Summer 2023


  • Security in Context - Year in Review 2023 - a video review
  • The Socioeconomic Consequences of the War on Gaza: An Interview with UN ESCWA's Mehrinaz El Awady
  • Learning From Zapatismo: The 30th Anniversary


  • Colombia’s Shifting Military Ties: Moving Away From Decades Of Israeli-Sponsored Violence by Basil Farraj
  • Why We Need To Talk About ‘State Terrorism’ By Israel In Gaza by Richard Jackson & Mandy Turner
  • Western Divergences In Gaza War Coverage by Nick Bythrow
  • Regional Consequences Of Israel’s War On Gaza by Abdalhadi Alijla
  • Is Hamas Really The Issue? Somdeep Sen
  • The Unending Challenge: Why Hamas Cannot Be Completely Destroyed by Abdalhadi Alijla
  • What Are The Implications Of South Africa’s Case Against Israel For Genocide Against Palestinians In Gaza? by Sonia Boulos
  • The Unending Challenge: Why Hamas Cannot Be Completely Destroyed by Abdalhadi Alijla

Security In Context Insecurity Monitor Issue 1, Vol. 1 - Summer 2023

Security in Context is delighted to present the inaugural issue of the Insecurity Monitor magazine.


Security in Context - Year in Review 2023

An end of the year review for Security in Context in 2023.

The Socioeconomic Consequences of the War on Gaza: An Interview with UN ESCWAs Mehrinaz El Awady

In this video, Executive Producer of the Security in Context Podcast Anita Fuentes interviews Mehrinaz El Awady about the impact of the Israeli attacks on the socioeconomic conditions in Gaza.

Learning From Zapatismo: The 30th Anniversary

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico, SiC hosted this dialogue with four activist scholars reflecting on the legacies of Zapatismo to create other worlds. From Rojava to Occupy Wall Street, from Ni una menos to the piqueteros in Argentina, from global movements against state violence to the widespread infusion of indigenous values in the left, our guests discussed Zapatista international solidarity, the reverberations of their anti-hierarchical principles, and their continued currency in today’s global landscape as a necessary antidote to the politics of death. This bilingual dialogue is also intended as an inauguration of a series of events that SiC will be hosting to center, visible, and strengthen movements whose purpose is to create alter-securities, that is alternatives to existent security apparatuses, which instead of perpetuating inequalities and spreading terror, cultivate human and non-human life.


Moving Away From Decades Of Israeli Sponsored Violence

Basil Farraj

The Colombian state has for decades relied on Israel for much of its security know-how and weapons. The once strong military and security relationship, however, appears to be shifting, with the Colombian president strongly condemning Israel’s ongoing genocidal war and noting the long history of Israeli sponsored violence in Colombia. These shifts are critical and must be utilized to further isolate Israel, and to shed light on the globality of its violence.

Why We Need To Talk About ‘State Terrorism’ By Israel In Gaza

Richard Jackson & Mandy Turner

Israel’s war against Palestinians in Gaza is being criticised as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity. But missing from these discussions is the way in which Israel’s actions fit the definition of terrorism and should be described, discussed, and responded to as ‘state terrorism’. The label is almost never applied to the behaviour of Western states nor its close allies. Such double standards are now only too visible when it comes to Israel’s actions against Palestinians. Defining Israel’s actions in Gaza as ‘state terrorism’ could potentially save Palestinian lives and influence public opinion.

Western Divergences In Gaza War Coverage

Nick Bythrow

Coverage of the war in Gaza differs drastically between Western and non-Western sources, in particular the United States and the Middle East region. Popular news sources like CNN focus reporting on the plight of Israeli civilians and soldiers, while other papers emphasize Israeli deaths over Palestinian suffering…

Regional Consequences Of Israel’s War On Gaza

Dr. Abdalhadi Alijla

Two months have passed since the beginning of Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. More than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed, over 50,000 have been injured, and more than 80% of Gaza's population?have been displaced. The rising civilian casualties from Israel’s attacks—predominantly among children and women—have ignited huge protests globally. The harm is irreversible; the impact of Israel's aggression will reverberate throughout Israel, Palestine, the wider Arab world, and internationally.

Is Hamas Really The Issue?

Somdeep S.

Is Hamas really the issue? Considering the nature and impact of its operation on October 7th, it is not surprising the organization has dominated the headlines. But if we are to imagine a ‘day after’ the bombardment of Gaza we need to recount and contend with a political context and history of oppression, as well as the systematic denial of Palestinian rights by Israel, that far exceeds the role or actions of Hamas. It is only then that we can hope for sustainable peace in Palestine/Israel.

The Unending Challenge: Why Hamas Cannot Be Completely Destroyed

Dr. Abdalhadi Alijla

The straightforward answer to whether Hamas can be defeated and obliterated in Gaza is no. Because this objective lacks an understanding of Hamas's role and its complexities within Palestinian society, both in Gaza and beyond.?

What Are The Implications Of South Africa’s Case Against Israel For Genocide Against Palestinians In Gaza?

Sonia Boulos

South Africa instituted proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), concerning alleged violations of key obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention), committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. If the ICJ eventually finds that Israel has violated key obligations under the Genocide convention, this would open new avenues for victims to seek justice, and could serve as a catalyst for the adoption of diplomatic, economic, or other measures to pressure Israel to comply with basic tenets of international law and binding UN Security Council resolutions.

Security In Context Media Roundup: December 2023


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