January 2023 Blog: Reintroduce Yourself.
That’s 2022 ticked-off then. Done and dusted. So how’s your 2023 so far?
Bit of a weird end to the year wasn’t it? The Festive period seemed to start late, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the inevitable pre-Christmas sales came and went with what seemed like less furore than usual, Christmas and New Year happened, and now we’re back again. It didn’t feel like a ‘normal’ Q4 did it?
I’m Scott, Marketing Executive at Target, and I’m genuinely excited about what this year has in store – Target’s growing, we have new brands, new colleagues, and it’s a really exciting time for us, especially as we near that first year being Employee Owned, but we rely on your successes to achieve our own success. Which is why I’ve been keeping an eye on how the IT channel’s performing and, more importantly, where Target customers could benefit.
?Retail sales were down by 1% in December, according to the ONS, but that’s not by as much some were expecting. In fact, we’re only 1.7% behind where we were pre-Coronavirus which, considering that’s when everyone seemed to buy everything computer-related they could need, isn’t nearly as bad as it might seem on the surface.
?2023 feels like a new start, though, doesn’t it? It’s the first January since 2019 that’s felt anything like ‘normal’ with no restrictions in place, people are back at work or have settled into a new hybrid-working environment (something workers and businesses really are embracing), refreshed after the stresses and upset of a pandemic. We’ve even had both major desktop processor manufacturers, Intel and AMD, launch new ranges already this year.
?And there are big opportunities out there…
?Firstly, the IT channel’s importance has been highlighted by how well all the retailers, repairers, networkers, computer-builders and advisors coped and performed when the World was collapsing. They kept us going, kept us connected, kept us entertained and kept us healthy when we couldn’t be around each other physically. By continuing to offer the right solutions, the right products and the advice that helps people, those same people you helped then will continue to trust you now. And people tend to buy from people they trust. Make sure you keep in touch with those contacts you’ve made over the past 3 years – maybe they know someone who needs something?
?A lot of those devices and accessories you sold at the beginning of lockdown are now nearing the end of their warranties, or have been superseded by newer models and technologies – the people that bought them are now more tech-savvy and aware than ever, so they’ll know the new stuff is out there. Best they buy from you, though, right?
?And those very same people work in businesses. With financial years ending in March for a lot of companies, they’re using the last of their remaining budgets now. And their devices and equipment, that were also bought in 2019/ 2020, they’re going to need refreshing too – with so many people working from home, they often have equipment at home and the office. Even if you’ve not spoken to those businesses, even those ones in your local area, before, you might have spoken to people who work there. They might also know and trust you, in which case you might be perfectly-placed for helping with their business requirements. And who knows what they might be!
?After the Festive hump in retail, the chances are it’ll be quieter for some stores, so it’s a good idea going for the business that IS there, rather than worrying about what isn’t. It’s a good excuse to reacquaint yourself with some of those new contacts, get your boots on and have a walk up the high-street and see if there are any new offices or businesses that need their IT requirements meeting – and with you being down the road, it’d be worth their while speaking to you at least.
?I’ve seen so many people reconnecting and reintroducing themselves to their connections on Linked In, even just through the occasional comment, and it’s reminding people they’re there – and they’re winning business by doing it. We’ve been doing the same at Target, and I’ve started doing more connecting personally too. We’ve got a flurry of new-starters at Target, all of whom bring their own contacts and are creating opportunities for us. Some will amount to nothing, but you only need one bit of fortune - a comment in the right place at the right time, a call when they’re starting a new project – to make what could be a big difference.
The point is to get out there, in front of people who could be good customers and who have cash to spend now. Remind businesses in your local area, or area of expertise, that you’re there. Try a bit of social media or Google marketing. And don’t think of selling to businesses as a daunting task.
?Remember – businesses are people too.
Scott Frankling
Marketing Executive at Target Components