January 2017- Sun of Arles - Sainte Trophime - south of France

Magic moments when Birds flew over my head. It is unique, rare. I spent 4 hours there, just to be over the time of our civilisation, No snow, no cold, met friendly people, smiling children, and I love all of this time . Arles is so marvelous, with a strong history. In year 312, King Constantin turned politic face of the world, became first Emperor of Rome, dedicated to Christ.

I like to read sculptures, unique message without manipulations, for our times, written in stones around + 1100-1200 years. Pure message from high educated men. It shows us 16 books in the hand of Christ, evangelist and apostles. All books are closed from all figures except one book-papyrus is open ! a small part is open (see second picture) it is the one of the eagle , or apostle John. This scene represents exactly chapter X ligne 12 and chapter XI ligne 1 in book of révélation "You must go back (on earth) and prophesy again over many peoples and nations and languages and kings" ! John has to come back to write new prophecies for our time... This is was the culture talked about. But when ?

Top in the arche of sainte Trophime, you see 3 angels blowing the trumpet ! The first one turns his face on the left, the 2 others on the right (turn to see the scene on first picture, just down to the birds, exactly in the middle of the arche). Again, you are in book of revelation, It is the exact description of the 3 Doom or 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets : "I heard a Ione eagle flying through Middle heaven, crying out ominously ..."DOOM,DOOM,DOOM" in relation with Revelation 8 ligne 13. It give us exact time : John will come after the first Doom (the one who turn is faced on the left) or 5 th tumpet.

Is John here at this moment ? First doom is passed in 1945, exactly on the 6th and 9th of august. We are now - year 2017 - in between the time of trumpet 6 and 7 .... Rare to manage exact time through book of revelation and Arles....


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