January 10, 2022: Starting a Business - Part 1 - Just Start

January 10, 2022: Starting a Business - Part 1 - Just Start

“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.”?–Tony Hsieh

At some point in time the thought of starting a business has crossed most of our minds, however, something derailed us from taking the most important step in doing anything - simply getting started. Maybe our idea lacked a strong vision or we lacked the discipline to see it through, whatever the reason that caused us not to get started, we can always start today.?

There are a myriad of success stories of generational businesses that started with “young adults” (i.e. Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook). I can be wrong, but their journey as entrepreneurs didn’t start with a business plan or a dream to become billionaires.?

They all started with something they loved doing. The next great entrepreneur is one good idea away from changing the way we live.?

For example, look at Whatsapp. There was plenty of other instant messaging applications out there for consumers to utilize but they entered the market at the right time and consumers propelled them with simple word of mouth (the old fashion way).

Where did Uber come from? Was the world demanding an alternative to using taxis, buses, and trains? I am sure that the timing of their launch was critical, as we are living in age of convenience. Anything that will make life simpler and requires less energy from us is something that the masses will possibly gravitate towards. So what’s next in the future of transportation? Uber, made getting a ride easier, so who will be the next Uber??

The next Uber is already working on the next way to make transportation more convenient for us because someone, somewhere has simply started to put their ideas together.?

Maybe you can be the next Bill Gates but, in order to do that you have to start where you are today and get moving.?

Provided below are the key topics that will be discussed in detail in our follow-on posts, each topic will be covered individually:

1. What are you selling and what is your why (your reason for starting the business and the vision-guiding star for the company)

2. Preparation (business plan, company structure, company culture, staffing/resources plan, skills assessment (to identify complimentary hires), where and how will you sell)?

3. Going to Market?

4. Revisiting your What and Why

The most important step in starting a business is to start today, not tomorrow, not next week, or next month - but rather just start doing something that will begin your business today. This can be anything from just simply writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper or tinkering in the garage to design that crazy product idea you have. It doesn’t matter how small the action may be - the point is to simply take action and take it today.?

“The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” – Nolan Bushnell

Do not wait to get started and remember time and progress waits for no one!?

Carpe Diem today!

Stay Blue & Gold!!!…


