Jan 9 - Vignettes on Prayer
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Jan 9 - Vignettes on Prayer
Today I was looking at Psalm 107:1 and what a great scripture it is. David writes give thanks to the Lord. This is actually one of the most powerful ways to pray. When you give thanks you are doing the will of God. It also releases divine help and benefits. Now David is giving thanks to the Lord for two reasons. First, the Lord is good. Many times it has been said, that God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Goodness is part of His character and essence. Every perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights who never has any shadow of turning. What a great promise. Then David brings out such a great truth. God’s love endures forever. That means that God’s love and goodness will be with you today as it was in the past. His love and goodness will also be with you in the future. These are two qualities that will never change. So as you approach the throne of grace today remember God’s goodness and love is the means and ways of releasing the benefits and provisions of heaven. Remember you have not because you ask not. So ask and receiveJ