Jan 23 – Psalm 8:9 = How Majestic is your name
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
?Jan 23 – Psalm 8:9 = How Majestic is your name
????? Psalm eight begins and end with this phrase.? How majesty is your name in all the earth.? The Psalmist started out with relaying the authority, power might and dominion of God and He close the Psalm with the same thought.? God is the creator and sustainer of all things.? In Genesis we see God breathing life into the nostrils of a man and he becomes a little soul.? Life and breath are a gift of God.? Next time you breathe reflect on who give you this breath.? Think about His sovereignty.? God is all powerful and the amazing thing is that astronomers are telling us that the universe is still expanding and growing.? God is still creating.? Every day a child is born and that is a miracle.? Another of God`s creation has come into being.
??? Yet the greatest creative work is the work of redemption.? When the Lord takes a sinner and through the act of salvation makes them a new creature.? The old passes away and all things become brand new.? The majesty and glory of God are seen in the salvation, restoration and renewal of a sinner.? In that moment of salvation a sinner becomes saint.? They address changes.? They go from death until life.? When that happens, Oh Lord how majestic is your name among the earth.