Jan 22 – Follow Through - !:7-12
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Jan 22 – Follow Through - !:7-12
Isaiah 1:7-12
???? Isaiah lists the consequences of their rebellion, sin, and corruption.? The country is desolate, cities are burned with fire, and the fields are wasted or taken by strangers.? They are like abandoned wreck of a house in a field.? The Lord was merciful he left a remnant or else the entire area would have destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah.?
???? Isaiah calls them Sodom and Gomorrah.? He calls to hear and listen to the instruction of the Lord.? All the sacrifices they make have no effect on the Lord.? The has no pleasure in a people who trample justice and truth in their judicial system and society.? This is a warning to them and us.? Religion has little effect on society when it is talk and not action.? Lets follow through with what we say.