JP Morgan CEO Salty Rant- “Productivity” Arms Race – MEI Back to Basics Movement – It’s About Time!!!
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Jamie’s Salty Rant….is something that did not just “happen”
…it is not some out of control misfired statement
…ramblings of some Old Boomer kind of guy -a few cents short now
Coming from my psychologically experienced mind
…..a long suppressed sentiment that for a myriad of reasons could not be expressed
This was not some sudden Nirvana or Damascene Conversation being hit by a thunderbolt of light
The realization of the depth of intellectual dishonesty that this bright man observing daily having to support falsehoods that he internally found absolutely repugnant
I’m with you Jamie….
When I heard about this …
I got up -then stood on top of the chair
?Shouting---- Bishop – Preach!!
In my circumstances the last five years I’ve worked totally opposite what everyone else was doing
New Hampshire loves Contrarians –that is why I love it so much here
While others were sheltered in their basements
…engaged in Remote Working & Learning
…ingested all the State Propaganda of Mr. Science – Fauci
…took the jab and each new booster – becoming more ill than better
The Wokester’s huge Social Re-Engineering of American Society
Cancel Culture to anyone that would not drink the Kool Aid
Yet the most insidious element was this re-interpretation of Productive Behavior
The New Normal ala Wokester
– eye to eye in person collaboration was no longer needed
Zoom – Email- Text Technology actual was even more productive
Got to tell you – I never bought that BS
…not even Jamie for NYC Minute
I remember calling for a client their White Shoe Counsel
He was at some Box Store buying groceries
….Yes – he insisted on discussing this complex matter while at the Meat Counter
It was noisy – distracting – totally unprofessional to the 1200 USD Per Hour
My next call was to my client to fire this Jackass
They did and let me get some local NH attorney that I could see in person
…no less at half the price
The Pandemic years were great ones for my family as I found myself with a host of retail clients in the Home and Big-Ticket businesses
Much to my children’s admonitions I worked every single day for four years
….Being PRODUCTIVE – capturing a Golden Moment Opportunity while everyone else was asleep
In four short years making as much money as I did in the previous fifteen
My in-person customer experiences – beautiful clothes – calm demeanor
….yielded a windfall in sales – they spent their Pandemic $$$ with us !
It was easy to retire after this run
…just the fumes from the investments brought security
…delighted to get out of the work world that had become this place of all to many smoke and mirrors BS
Many professional associates told me that this was the New Normal for how people were going to “work”
Ha Ha… the day will come when all these falsehoods
….. due to the absence of their Productivity and Value—Will Hit the Fan
Jamie for his part echoed signs of his dissatisfaction back at Davos 2024
….the weight of supporting the Biden Regime- Wokedom was damaging this beautiful gem of a corporation that he loved with his heart and soul
Smart individuals like Dimon see the writing on the wall long before most others
Sadly, we have become a Nation of Followers
…not paying attention
…deeply invested in our victimhood
…..intensely in denial of our incompetence and laziness
Last year at Davos Conference
?…I listened to one speaker after another stressing the necessity of improving Productivity
Enhanced Efficiency was this new ladder that was going to pull us out of the Inflation Spiral
Lower Costs- Cut overhead- free up additional cash resources
Incentives further growth – Mergers & Acquisitions
Improve Bottom Line Balance Sheets
The sheer weight of carrying the Agenda of Wokedum was debilitating these organizations
Any attempt to right the ship was instantly met with
..a host of victimization charges – insensitivity
All supported by the Biden Regime – DOJ – Legacy Media
Of course, all this nonsense did was continue to lower the quality of life for everyone
The Trumpian “Third Estate” Nov 5th Victory is curious
…the general electorate that in their corporate environments who became the constituency of victimhood
Revolted against their Woke DEI Masters
What a slap in the face to those ..
…who granted them carefree remote work to do what they wanted
....every excuse not to put in an honesty day’s work
Yet our rapidly declining society signaled them that this was a short-term play at the end of the road
Not knowing exactly what would happen – they took a leap of faith
They had no choice – for things were getting worse quickly
Time to rip the Band-Aid Off
– this is what all Social Revolutions do
Now we are ingesting ?the bitter Castor Oil to cure the disease
Musk warts and all with his youthful zealots will purge the corrupt Federal Public Sector
….cut head count – reduce agency bureaucracy – drastically lower cost
Ramp up Huge Productivity Gains
It’s going to be painful but necessary
This Inflection Moment is not even a month in the making
Jamie is a smart guy—
Like any great French Reformer of the 1790’s
He’s out in front – Articulating the Clarion Call of the New Regime
Wokedum’s Final Coffin Nail is at hand
Everyone is going back to the office
For in a flash of sudden brilliance the Corporate Leadership Class has this “Epiphany”
Nothing Can Replace In-Person Collaboration
Nothing Can Replicate In-Person Team Cohesion
Nothing Makes Clients Feel Assured
?– Knowing Your Resources are all Under One Roof
The other challenge that Jamie spoke about is the less than stellar behavior of many younger employees
Socially repressed, poor at any type of engagement, creatively stunted
Not to sound like a complete jerk – Sorry!
…My wife and I are totally disinterested in dealing with anyone professionally under that age of fifty
It’s a simple equation – not a matter of intent or desire
You are just so limited in abilities, skillset development, dysfunctional social behavior
– not a matter of anger – we feel deep empathy for you
While we are patient – it’s not worth the value of our time to be wasted
While we can pastor to these situations
We cannot conceive why when we’re spending good $$ --we should do this
Here’s where all this surge is going
The Public & Private Productivity Play is a Global Race
Grow the U.S Gross Domestic Product
On Shore – Global Manufacturing and Capital Investment
Slash Trade Imbalances – Right Side -Cash Positive US Ledger
Eviscerate The Administrative State –
Radically Cut Operating Cost - Saving Trillions Annually
Re-Educate – Train Up New Productivity Standards
Redeveloping Organizational Culture to Merit Based System
The final Objective - reducing the percent of the National Debt to the GDP
In many ways I think of Trump like
….the Court Appointed Trustee in a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Focusing on one thing only –
Making his Court Reported Statements- ?Cash Positive
Don’t be surprised as others follow Jamie's lead
…the dam has been broken with his statement
Jamie’s got bragging rights – He Crossed the Rubicon First
The Former Banner of the Old Regime - Equity
..has been replaced by the New Regime’s? Productivity
Informed Minds will heed the call
..getting out in front of the impending avalanche that is coming
Time to put the Capstone on these Dark Years of Error that have harmed our young generations for the next fifty years
The Transition will be painful for many, but the final results will more than compensate for our temporary discomfort