James Simons (full length interview) - Numberphile: Topology and Treason
James Simons (full length interview) - Numberphile
Trump has been committing treason since he took the oath of office. He committed treason to get elected because he didn’t think he could get elected. He was betting on getting elected, not. He expected to be able to do in the Oval Office what he has done in terms of agitation and the moral confusion of Ayn Rand as a private businessperson operating on his patented lie, cheat and steal “Art of the Deal” crime family legitimate business model and not be guilty of treason. As a public servant, the rules are different: the sort of cheating he was doing to game the Electoral College is perfectly legal unless they catch you kind of scam. I personally thought, until he admitted he received Clinton’s analytics from a Russian business associate he did business with in Moscow to stage the Miss Amereica Pageant, that his focus on ratings, which is a deep data sample, gave him the strategy to do what he did. Even if the Russians had nothing to do with his success gaming the Electoral College, winning the election makes it treason. It’s actually treason before the vote is taken, in the moral paradigm of Fiona Hill.
What does this have to do with James Simons?
Topology is the mathematics of the mind of The One and the personal unconscious. Topology is the organizing principle of James Simons unconscious cognitive processes as a button on his Pucker Factor. It is the mathematics of process theology, the core technology of the US Army Rangers School. Chaos theory is pure Toplogy as dynamical patterns. It’s basically the economics of Paul Krugman. If you triangulate Krugman’s meteorolgical model in “Selling Prosperity” with the Topology of Kurt Lewin’s group dynamics and whatever Simon has to say about number will allow you to being to duplicate his patterns of weath creation, albeit not necessarily organized by number as a primary pleasure button. Combat medics get off on keepng people alive, but they are trained to employ Topology in all things along the critical path.
So, if you want to see how it works for yourself, consider the boundaries that separate patriotism from treason, in terms of the US Constitution as a private citizen and as a public servant. Everytime he uses an unsecured cell phone for any communication is teason. A pattern of treason. This is a different vibe from the pattern of criminal behavior his entire business career has exhibited. To put together the kind of real estate projects he has since he and I were looking for big bucks after the FedEx IPO. I was a consultant to Fred Smith for fitting his business plan into Nixon’s vision for airline deregulation. I provided the FAA “Forecast Branch” the language they needed to okay the deal. The novelty of FedEx was that his marketing model was based on Zip Codes instead of Transcontinental Railroad Rights of Ways. Nixon’s entire program was based on shifting the Air Transport System unto Zip Codes, but nobody quite understood it until I showed them how FedEx assumed the entire system would shift from a air traffic control milieu based on a through-put model that was metaphorically structured on grammer, especially diagramming sentences, to an air traffic control system based on Topology.
The only thing that has prevented this from happening in the air lines is basically the Supply Side economics of the Joe McCarthy Conservatives that have dominated the GOP since 1981. Trump is just Dutch, Part Deux a la Treason. If you listen to Mike Pompeo’s rationalization for this assassination, you can hear how he is trying to enforce a particular narrative spine that supports the filligree of all things Trump. This filligree depends upon the moral confusion of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam and the inability of the American academe to convince even its AB constituency that Ayn Rand is a study in the systematic “feel good” Fascism of the Tucker Carlson “It’s cool to be a Joe McCarthy Conservative” demographic.
At this stage, I at 2:02 on the time line. I agree with him about Topology. I have proposed to him a venture capital process for large system change that will establish Topology as a common element of the public education system. If he is serious about whatever else in in the video, he will organize the American billionaire classes to assemble $100 Billion to jumpstart the Green New Deal. AOC and Paul Krugman share the basic Democratic Socialism of the US Constitution based on Topology.
The “Art of the Deal” isn’t capitalism: it’s theft. I will stipulate to Ray Dalio’s “Transaction Theory” as a reliable element of Krugman’s economics and capitalism as an expression of the economics of Jesus as explicated by Adam Smith as a moral science in “Wealth of Nations”.
Silicon Valley is a legacy of the global synergy wave from Apollo 11. NASA and Soyuz have kept that wave rolling along basically at idle. My proposal to James Simon is designed to use Toplogy to catch the American element of the global synergy wave from Apollo 11 and lift the S&P to 4000 on the way to Mars by 2025.
My challenge to all these billionaire wealth gurus is that money talks, bullshit walks. Trump is bullshit.