Jamaica's President of the Court of Appeal,Patrick Brooks and Registrar, Stacie Anne Brown carries out big corrupt discrimination in the Appeal Court.
Silvera Adjudah
Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator
The Court of Appeal in Jamaica has become a highly corrupt and discriminatory court under the leadership of President, Patrick Brooks and Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown. On two most recent occasions I have experienced this corrupt discrimination against me as a Self-represented litigant in the court of law. All of this corrupt discrimination has been reported to the Chief Justice, Bryan Sykes. However, there is nothing to be seen that he has done about the corruption, instead of taking corrective action he promotes the corruption against poor people in the court system.
On Monday April 29, 2024, I had an application scheduled for hearing in the Court of Appeal, having satisfied all of the rules of the court respectfully and got a confirmation email from the court the Friday before, confirming the hearing date and time of hearing. I punctually appeared for my case hearing. Prior to going into the courtroom I got a hard copy of the court list and observed that my case was the first on the list, just as was stated in the notice before.
Upon the starting of court with all three judges came in, and while sitting at the back of the courtroom waiting to be called I heard when the Clerk announced that Mr. Adjudah's case is the first on the list. Then there was a brief pause, and suddenly the Deputy Registrar, Mr. Adriel Williams came to the door and called me outside. I wondered why he is calling me outside when I was to go and present my case just then. Nonetheless, I went out to him. Mr. Adriel Williams along with a Police Officer informed me that, he was asked to come and tell me that my case will not be heard today. I asked why when it is the first on the list? He said he does not know as he was only asked to come and tell me that, and it would possible be heard on Wednesday. I was instructed to leaved reinforced by the Police Officer for no known reason whatsoever.
I went in back for my bag and left. It was clearly noted that at least four (4) Lawyers came into the courtroom too, for their cases listed after mine and none of them were asked to leave. I was the only one asked to leave. If the court list was overloaded for that day, why one of the cases after mine not put off? Why my case being the first on the list and I was already there had to be put off??? What is the lawful logical sense in that?? My case would only take half an hour for hearing. Also, all cases listed were allotted specific time limits for hearing. So what could have been the problem??
The moral of the story is that the removal of my case from the hearing list on that day in the most disrespectful way was a grossly corrupt and an unlawful act by the highly corrupt Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown, who uses her young acting Deputy Registrar, Adriel Williams as messenger for her corruption. At that point where the case was officially listed for hearing and as was confirmed by email to me the Friday before as the first case on the list, the Corrupt Registrar Stacie- Anne Brown had no jurisdiction over it again. The Court was already started in session with all three judges sworn in under his majesty, sitting in front and the Clerk announced that my case was the first on the list to be heard. The lawful thing was for the judges, Miss Justice Edwards, Mr. Justice D. Fraser and Mrs Justice G. Frazer, to address me directly whether to hear the case or to put it off to another suitable date for whatever the reason.
This is the second case for me in which the highly corrupt Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown carried out her corruption in. In both cases, while I am not making any judgment in them, there are clear signs that there is a clear possibility that the cases will go in my favor. In this application while I complied fully with all of the Court of Appeal Rules, the defendants refused to be served. Hence the corrupt Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown had to find a way to carry out her corruption in my application hearing.
In the other earlier case I filed a Notice of Appeal, COA2023CV00022 on March 30, 2023, against the Attorney General of Jamaica. Having complied with all of the Court of Appeal Rules punctually, the highly corrupt Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown refused to put my case before the court to date, because the Attorney General breached all of the Court of Appeal rules in the case. Stacie- Anne Brown in her highly corrupt way wrote to me after I complied with all of the Court of Appeal Rules and filed my Skeleton Argument, that my appeal is an Interlocutory Appeal and not a Summary Judgment Appeal. The Criminal Stacie- Anne Brown then sent me secondary authority case that she used to decide what is Interlocutory. I responded that, from day one I wrote on the Notice of Appeal that I am appealing a Summary Judgment Application for which she raised no objection to, and I provided her with Black's Law dictionary definition and interpretation of what an Interlocutory Application is, which differentiates it from a Summary Judgment Application She refused to accept that in her highly illiterate and corrupt behavior.
Highly corrupt Stacie- Anne Brown in her administrative position as a Registrar have no such power to used secondary authority in deciding whether a case goes before the court or not for hearing. That is completely outside of her job description!! Secondly, Stacy Anne Brown cannot use so called secondary authority to condemn a most reputable law dictionary, Black's Law Dictionary and all other law dictionaries as wrong. That is totally unlawful, insane, illiterate and highly criminal of Stacy Anne Brown. Notwithstanding, not even judges have any obligation to use secondary case law authorities in making any decision in a court case, much less a Registrar in her Administrative role. The evidences and facts of law is what they have obligation to use.
It is well known that a lot of our Jamaican judges who create opinions as secondary authorities are very illiterate in what they do, as their interpretations are completely contradictory to standard law dictionary interpretations of things. For example, in the commonly used Garbage Disposal case, the judge is totally illiterate and confused as to what the standard definition and interpretation of Interlocutory Application is. Clearly the law degree and LEC paper does not make them educated, just like the illiterate Registrar, Stacie- Anne Brown.
This is the corrupt discrimination that the corrupt President of the Court of Appeal, Patrick Brooks and the corrupt Chief Justice, Bryan Sykes is promoting in our court system in Jamaica. The complaints were sent to the Chief Justice and the President of the Court of Appeal. The Chief Justice never exist to address and resolve any complaint with a reply, of any sort. The only time he exist is when he is to pick up his pay cheque under false pretence as Chief Justice.
President Partick Brooks replied to the Application complaint in a highly corrupt way. This is his so called unacceptable letter of apology as copied,
30 April 2024
Dear Mr Adjudah,
Re: Application # COA2024APP00047
I have seen your letter to the Honourable Chief Justice.
Let me first apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced on Monday, 29 April 2024.
Although cases in the Court of Appeal are fixed for hearing during the course of a week rather than on a particular date, we have for some years now been trying to avoid inconvenience to parties by scheduling cases for particular days on the understanding that there can be changes made throughout the week with little notice.
That, however, is not the cause of the delay in your case, which was scheduled for hearing on 29 April 2024.
We had a situation which developed without notice and in order to address it, we arranged for your application to be heard on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 9:30 am instead.
As you were already at Court when the situation developed we could not have avoided your inconvenience. There was no nefarious purpose to the rescheduling, but I do apologize for the inconvenience you suffered. End.
The corruption in his letter is, what lawful and transparent situation there was that affected my case only? Why the "situation" could not be named?? Only corruption goes into hiding and referred to as a "situation."
To date the Application has not been heard. Because the Wednesday date that they dictated and which I did not give any consent to as no discussion was held with me, was not convenient to me as I had other important things to do that day, including another case in the Supreme Court to attend to, which was dealt with respectfully, unlike Stacie-Anne corrupt way of doing things.
The corrupt discrimination is this, the corrupt Registrar Stacie-Anne Brown had no authority / jurisdiction to remove my case from the court while the court was already in session. It is the standard and lawful procedure for my case to be called by the court and the three judges address me directly as to whether the case is going to be heard or not. If it cannot be heard the reason was to be given to me and in a brief discussion in their presence with me and the Clerk for a suitable date be set for its hearing. That standard and respectable procedure was not given to me as a Self-represented litigant. A highly corrupt and unlawful procedure was used by the criminal Stacie-Anne Brown with Police to remove me from the court for no known reason.
This is the high profile corrupt discrimination the Chief Justice Bryan Sykes and President Partick Brooks are promoting in the Jamaican Court against the poor people in the country. Patrick Brooks discrimination is well known and documented with the Judicial Services Commission from 2015. In addition the corrupt JLP Government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness and the corrupt Governor General, Patrick Allen refused to take steps to fix the corrupt court system in Jamaica.
What is the sense having two corrupt discriminatory minded persons in charge of a court system, the most important institution in a country who are bringing down the country?? They are bringing down the country's reputation, they are contributing significantly to the high crime rate by forcing the poor people to find alternative forms of justice and they are putting the government into more civil action suits. They are a destruction to the country.
Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator
8 个月Thanks for your support, Monique.
Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator
8 个月Thanks for your support and comment Empress.
Human Rights Activist at JFHR Youth Corps
8 个月Please ?? be careful, you are actually risking your life. There is so much corruption, genocide, apartheid and murder by Mafia high ranking individuals and they are not adverse to silencing those who are not part of their corruption.? Maybe it ?? would be better if you were to leave Jamaica ???? as I do not see ??how they have exempted you from an accident or some crossfire.? I was the subject of a murder plot but I am no longer in Jamaica so I am alive to do the necessary before God and man. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM, THEY ARE EXPERTLY SKILLED AT COVERING UP THEIR TRACKS OF THEIR EVIL ESCAPADES. BROOKS IS RETIRING HE KNOWS WHAT HE HAS BEEN UP TO.? PLEASE NOTE BRYAN SYKES, CHIEF JUSTICE IS MORE SKILLED AT HIDING? THE PART HE PLAYS AS FAR AS CORRUPTION IS CONCERNED.
Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator
8 个月Thanks for your support, Dara. I appreciate it.
Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator
8 个月Thanks for your support, Mitchelle. I appreciate it.