Jamaica Customs encourages diaspora to capitalise on the returning residents and JSWIFT services at the 9th Biennial Diaspora Conference

Jamaica Customs encourages diaspora to capitalise on the returning residents and JSWIFT services at the 9th Biennial Diaspora Conference

At the 9th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference (June 14-16), Jamaica Customs urged Jamaicans in the diaspora to utilize the necessary Customs’ services in order to capitalise on the benefits afforded to them.

Jamaica Customs is among the local government agencies that participated in the global forum that connects Jamaicans and people of Jamaican descent living across the globe with the aim of strengthening linkages and building alliances that will fuel Jamaica’s growth and development on the world stage.

Natalee Tomlinson, customer service manager (Kingston), said the Agency’s participation in the conference is in support of ‘information sharing.’

"There are numerous people in the diaspora that need information, and we see the importance of increasing awareness, encouraging compliance, and overall information-sharing," she added. "As Customs seeks to disseminate more information in the diaspora, we want to encourage people to contact us even before they import."

At the conference, participants received information about returning to Jamaica, the Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWIF), and making charitable donations, among other importation services supported by Jamaica Customs.

"We want to encourage Jamaicans to make use of these services." For example, persons?who are interested in bringing in motor vehicles can apply for an import license through our JSWIFT platform, "Tomlinson explained. "This is essentially a ‘one stop shop', so it makes it easier and more convenient to import your goods while in the diaspora."

Tomlinson also noted that approved returning residents stand to benefit from the exemption.

"The exemptions from the payment of duties and taxes on imported articles and goods are granted as a one-time benefit for all returning residents."

Persons seeking more information about these services can visit www.jacustoms.gov.jm



