Jallikattu - A Traditional Sport or Cruelty?
P. Mohan Chandran
Content Writing Expert, Seasoned Content Writing Specialist, AI Expert, Business Content Writer, Author, Tech Writer, Creative Writer, Editor, Researcher
A satirical poem on Jallikattu:
They call Jallikattu a sport,
When questioned, they defend it like a fort!
They say it is a custom, age-old,
By taming the bull, they think they are bold!
They poke the bull from behind,
Through this sport, better breeds, they hope to find!
The bull is made to drink,
While humans lose the power to think!
The villagers try to tame the bull,
And, at times, the bull’s tail, they pull!
The bull that cannot be tamed,
Is regarded as famed.
Is this a sport, tradition, stupidity or cruelty?
We are still searching for an answer, what a pity!
(C) 2017. Mohan Chandran P. All Rights Reserved.
Image Courtesy: Junglekey.in