The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) explained the projected sinking of DKI Jakarta in 2050. Climate change, sea level rise and land subsidence are said to be the reasons for Jakarta to sink later. Jakarta is a city that is prone to flooding, rising sea levels, as well as man-made disasters such as pollution and excessive extraction of groundwater. According to Yusuf and Fransisco (2009), Jakarta is one of the most vulnerable coastal city to climate change in Southeast Asia.
Sea level rise is an implication of climate change, because climate change itself causes global warming which makes the ice in Antarctica slowly melt, so that the volume of water gradually increases and causes sea level rise (Suprijanto, 2003). According to the Director of the UK's Tyndall Climate Change Research Center, namely Robert Nicholls, DKI Jakarta is ordained the most threatened region in Asia, with sea level rising reaching 10 centimeters per year (Setyowibowo, 2021). Anthropogenic factors from rising sea levels as well as land subsidence in DKI Jakarta due to economic demands have made development very rampant in the Capital region, which over time has an impact on the structure of the land itself (Latifah, et al., 2022).
There should be five actions to be taken to solve the problems of water resource in Jakarta. First, rehabilitation and improvement the Jakarta whole drainage systems; Second, control the runoff by maximizing the water infiltration and retention on land surface by building undergroundwater storage, dams, lake and ponds; Third, control the deep groundwater exploitation by providing sufficient clean piped water; Fourth, encouraging the private business to carry out their domestic wastewater treatment; Fifth, revitalizing all existing open water bodies, including rivers, ponds and dams for source of domestic water supply (Firman, 2011).
Firman, T., Surbakti, I. M., Idroes, I. C., & Simarmata, H. A. (2011). Potential climate-change related vulnerabilities in Jakarta: Challenges and current status. Habitat International, 35(2), 372-378.
Latifah, H. N., Fonna, K. R., & Nurulita, I. P. (2022). RESPON PEMERINTAH TERHADAP KENAIKAN PERMUKAAN AIR LAUT DI PESISIR UTARA DKI JAKARTA: The Government's Response Towards Sea Level Rise in the North Coast of DKI Jakarta. Restorica: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Komunikasi, 8(2), 17-21.
Setyowibowo, Y. (2021, March 10). Permukaan laut naik drastis, pesisir Jakarta paling terancam di Asia.
Sains Sindonews. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from https://sains.sindonews.com/read/360352/766/permukaan-laut-naik-drastis-pesisir-jakarta-paling-terancam-di-asia-1615363439
Suprijanto, I. (2003). Kerentanan kawasan tepi air terhadap kenaikan permukaan air laut kasus kawasan tepi air kota Surabaya. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 31(1).
Yusuf, AA, & Fransisco, H. (2009). Pemetaan kerentanan perubahan iklim untuk Asia Tenggara. Singapura: Program Ekonomi dan Lingkungan untuk Asia Tenggara (EEPSEA).
?Writer : Tinta Yuandita
Associate Professor at Guilin University of Technology
6 个月Cause and effect, not 2050, very soon. I got scam by Indonesian government as a tourist. KARMA!!