Jakarta Pinter, Indonesia Better.

Jakarta Pinter, Indonesia Better.

The one of many ways to fix a system (culture) that has been running for a long time, is to simplify the workings of the system. People like to be helped to make their work easier, so that they can make their time more optimally and productively.

One of many ways to improve the economy and the advantages of a country is by advancing people and technology. Technology doesn’t have to make people no longer work. If it (technology) controlled wisely, humans will continue to work by investing knowledge in themselves.

Pandemic?Covid-19 changed many things in life, including the work system, the economy, even the human lifestyle. Possibly, in the next 5 to 10 years all these systems will change and not be the same as we currently know. This is a serious challenge to get up and get ahead of before, for the people, and also the Country.

I made this Apps and System for make Indonesia better, we start from the Capital City first. We make Jakarta better, together.

First, that makes or underlies me to planning this new business process are comes from 2 basic thing. They are:

  • Economy hit hard
  • Traffic jam level

We know that the second thing is the single biggest problem and it’s hard to find a solution. I think for this calamity to be a momentum for us to fix all the existing problems at once. Trying together in one big plan that is, make Indonesia better.

I have analyzed some data from various sources regarding several issues that will be resolved. I have tried to design an Application Designs for this problem, and also business plans without deep calculations (We know that we need a lot of data regarding data and confidential matters). It also contains some business analysis, advantages and disadvantages, as well as business steps, benefits obtained, and also steps for using the application.

I will show you how to operate the Apps, if you need info in the form of the business process, you can see it on my?linked in?profile.

The Steps are:

S T E P 1

At the initial appearance of the JAKI application, there are no changes to the previous one, there are only additional features in the form of JakTransportasi in the available menus.

(All the features that exist in JakTransportasi such as e-wallet, One Way Many Routes, and Direct Route Public Transportation Schedules are in one menu feature section.)

S T E P 2

Click the “other” feature menu to display all the features contained in the JAKI Application.

(There is an additional new menu feature in the form of JakTransportasi as a new tool to make it easier for public transportation customers to use existing facilities from various service providers.)

S T E P 3

Customers are asked to “Login” or “Register Now” using an active email address as a condition for creating an account on the JAKI Application.

Creating an account using an active email is needed as a means of sending information in the form of Payment Proofs, E-Wallet Top-Ups, Latest Schedules / Schedule Changes, and other information needed by customers.

(The account owner is the person in charge of the application user)

S T E P 4

After logging in to the JakTransportation account, the user will enter the initial view of the feature in the form of Origin and Destination.

Users can determine precise and more accurate coordinates by using the pin map on the Open Map feature and determine their own location point.

Users can also view public transportation schedules on other days if users want to set personal schedules or make personal plans on the following days.

In addition, users can also find out and manage what costs are needed to travel on the specified day by being able to determine how many passengers will depart.

(This is a way for users to prepare a round trip departure fee (round-trip) and top-up the e-wallet before the day of departure)

S T E P 5

After the user determines the desired destination, in this menu there is a display in the form of e-wallet balance, Direct Route options, and also One Way Many Route in the form of references or departure schedule settings and their fleets for users who want to make a departure.

Users are given payment options: <Using the barcode found in the e-wallet column with a scan tool found at each station> or <Pay using the available e-wallet balance by e-payment>

Users can view detailed analysis in the form of the distance traveled on foot needed during the trip to the destination, travel time, expenses, and also calories spent from walking.

For those who choose the Direct Route option, users are immediately directed to the website menu display of each transportation service provider which also has a schedule and cost display.

S T E P 6

For example, the choice of the Direct Route feature in each public transportation fleet is then directed to the service provider’s website, JakTransportasi becomes an aggregator platform based on the Digital Platform in collaboration with integrated public transportation service providers.

S T E P 7

The barcode contains information in the form of e-wallet balance data and its use on the barcode scanner machine automatically reduces the balance on the platform

The full Application steps and business process is on my?Linked In?profil

Trying to learn new things as well as being useful for many people is what I love.

I’m open to discussion, receiving suggestions and input, and also providing assistance in the form of information and knowledge if anyone needs it.

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, and Keep Working for the good of others.


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