Jail's Too Good For Them!
There was a time when MEET THE PRESS was a news show, but like most formerly good news shows it’s sunk to a new low, somewhere below snail slime. Today they featured a proven liar, a dismissed and dishonored former counter-intelligent FBI agent, Peter Strzok. Russia is compromised by Russia? The country spent millions and millions of dollars to prove otherwise, and did, at the admission of every high-ranking Dim in the country. Crossfire Hurricane, a Strzok operation that began the horrendously expensive and totally worthless impeachment effort, initiated by Strzok’s and other lies to the FISA court should land Strzok and his fellow-travelers in JAIL, yet Chuck Todd and Meet The Press celebrate him and a new book he’s written on the program. I truly hope the books a failure but the fact is there are so many libs clamoring for anything to discredit the most successful president of our time than it will likely be successful. And I hope he need all it earns to defend himself after being indicted as he should be.