Jagged Little Nub
As many of you know, I love my grills, smokers, griddles, and, well, pretty much anything that makes delicious food.
My grill sits on our upper deck, and one day we had some strong winds that caught it and literally blew it flat onto its face. The impact broke the face plate and shattered the knobs into JAGGED LITTLE NUBS.
The good news is that it still TECHNICALLY works. Unfortunately, it also looks like someone took a bat to it. Of course this sparks the inevitable question from everyone that sees it...
“What the heck happened to your grill?”
“It blew over”, I respond.
“No, about 2 years ago.”
I love watching the reaction because it doesn’t look like it should even function and yet, I’ve FAILED to take the 20 minutes requited to order a few new parts and fix it. ?
Perhaps I should fix it, but here’s the real deal. I’m just not that MOTIVATED to make it happen.
YES, it hurts my fingers every time I turn a knob.
YES, I tell myself that I “should” get it fixed
YES, I know my life would be better if I did fix it…
?And yet, I do nothing. Why?
Well, I guess the short answer is that my WHY, my MOTIVE isn’t strong enough yet. Yes, my life would be better if I made the change, but the reality is that my discomfort just isn’t quite strong enough YET to make me move.
Great Dan! So, what does this story have to do with anything?
See, just like with my busted-up grill, it’s pretty common in our everyday life to talk about the uncomfortable things we SHOULD change, yet when push comes to shove, we stick with the status quo.
We say things like “I should…”, or “I need to…”, or “I have to…”, and yet, among all this discomfort and knowledge of what needs to be done, there’s NO MOVEMENT.
I would argue that it’s because the motive simply isn’t CLEAR enough. The why isn’t clear enough.
The truth is that once my fingers hurt enough, or I get sick of looking at a FRANKENSTEIN of a grill, I’ll move, and fix it. But until then, I guess I have to settle for what is.
And so goes our life…
That is, of course, until we CLARIFY our WHY, find our MOTIVE, and MOVE. That’s when magic happens.?
Unfortunately for my grill, I’m just not that motivated yet, but my hope is that my lack of motivation will ultimately inspire you to do the OPPOSITE.
To leverage your pain and?CREATE THE CHANGE in your life that you know will make your life better.??