JADEs #28: A Taylor’s Viscous Problem

JADEs #28: A Taylor’s Viscous Problem

This week's issue of JADEs is a syndication of an older, existing journal article on "Taylor’s Viscous Problem for Centrifugal Stability / Instability in a Couette Flow: Thermal Convection with Rotation Problem" authored and published previously in the open access Journal of Applied Mathematics and Fluid Mechanics.

The article is available in link above or by clicking on link, below.


The?#Journal ?of Applied?#Differential ?#Equations ?(#JADEs )?is a?#free ?Open Access (#OA ) journal, e-journal, published under the latest Creative Commons open source license (CCL), covering linear and nonlinear partial differential equations (#PDEs ) and ordinary differential equations (#ODEs ) modeling many of today's complex problems.

While most journals take a very theory-driven analysis approach to PDEs and ODEs, JADEs explores problems in a very pragmatic, applied lab-like problem-solution approach with definitions and examples for applications in the areas of data science, engineering, science, applied/industrial mathematics and more.

For more, you can contact the Editor/Publisher at?[email protected] . Thank you!



