Jackpotting Update
Good morning
I wanted to send you an update on the ATM Jackpotting threat.
As this grows into a pretty big deal across the United States, we are evaluating solutions. Myself along with our engineering department have created a kit that can be adapted to your existing alarm system to secure the hood area of the ATM. This kit is designed to accommodate the challenges associated with cash handling service intervals and ATM technicians that need to access the machine. Furthermore, STS now offers a remote diagnostics package (ATM SECURITY-CONNECT) for your ATM allowing us to push Microsoft security updates real time, an added benefit to remote diagnostics is increased up time as we can solve many standard service issues without dispatching a technician.
STS is being interviewed by national manufactures to assist with a solution, as your personal resource in this industry we will do all that we can to protect you from this and any other threat in the future
Thank you for allowing us to be a resource in your industry!
For more information please contact [email protected]
Click on the link below to see CNN news update