Jack, A High Spirited Six Year Old
Dear Jack,
As of this writing, you’re in Cape May, no doubt having a ball on the Jersey Shore with Daddy’s extended family. It’s hard to believe that my visit to see you and your sister in California that last week of June feels like it was eons ago. Happily, in a mere 10 days I'll be meeting up with you, Lucy and your parents in New York City.
When I left, you voiced strong disappointment that I wasn’t able to stay for your sixth birthday party. In addition to purchasing stuffed snakes as party favors, Mommy had also hired a man to show up at your back yard with live snakes. You’ll have to tell me how that went.
It was hard for me to explain that my visit to see you and Lucy was a very last minute thing -- because after my knee replacement in February, I didn’t think I’d want to sit scrunched up in an airplane. Until June rolled around, and I felt that I missed you guys too much to wait for the visit we already have scheduled in August. At the same time, I had too many prior commitments to stay for more than a week.
Your questions were pointed: “Are you going home because you’re afraid of snakes,” “Are you going home because Grandpa Dennis misses you,” and “Are you going home because you have to work?”
I know you were sad that I missed seeing you on your last day at rock climbing camp, and never got to watch your tennis lesson – especially because you’re at that wonderful “Look at me, Bubbie!” age. You have Jet Blue to thank for that; they blamed weather related delays for a five-hour delay in my flight to San Francisco.
Still, I was thrilled to have a chance to hear you read to me Mo Willems' Knuffle Bunny. You were great about sounding out words that were new to you. You were also proud to show me how well you've mastered riding a two wheeler, sans training wheels. Here's hoping you didn't mind my yelling: "Look ahead, not at your feet!"
We still managed to pack quite a bit into our visit, didn’t we? Especially considering that you were at farming and nature camp that week. I loved when you came home from camp one day and reported: “Today I jumped rope.” Impressed that you could jump rope, a skill I found especially challenging as a child, I enjoyed hearing you say: “I didn’t know how to jump before today, but I learned how.”
You love miniature golf, and I imagine you’re going to do that with your little cousin Emily, and your sister Lucy at least 2 or 3 times while you’re in Cape May. Our miniature golf outing to a place in Sunnyvale was going fine -- until you decided the outing had to include a stop in the arcade.
Okay, so we didn’t get to the miniature golf place until around 8:30 on a Saturday night, and boy was it crowded. You were an absolute angel about complying with Mommy’s rule that if a lot of people are waiting, you are to take no more than 3 strokes per hole. You were terrific about correcting me when I, hardly a regular at miniature golf, got confused and skipped a hole or two.
You also demonstrated a good understanding of the fact that your sister Lucy, soon to turn three, has yet to master the rules of miniature golf: “Bubbie, it’s okay if Lucy picks the ball up, and puts it in the hole with her hand.”
Of late, I’ve noticed that any time you’re told you can’t purchase or do something, you provide a stock response: “But I NEVER get to. . .” Never mind that it was nearly 11 pm, and Lucy was saying: “I just want to go to sleep in the car.” You were pretty strident about wanting to play electronic games in the arcade.
Your response to my statement, “Jack I’m never going to an arcade. I HATE arcades,” helped a lot. “Bubbie, how old are you?," you asked. "Maybe when you’re older, you’ll like arcades.”
Some day when you’re older, I’ll tell you the story of going into an arcade with you in Atlanta when you were Lucy’s age. After purchasing the necessary tokens, I had no idea how to insert them and get the games started. What ever happened to the arcade games of my own childhood, where all it took was popping a quarter in a slot?
You are a great devotee of amusement parks, so of course we hit the water park at Great America in Santa Clara. We all had a good time. It was my first time willingly walking through series of stations that involved being pelted with torrents of cold water. Understandably, you and Lucy had a hard time acknowledging it was time to go home for dinner.
When I see you in New York next week, Mommy and I will figure out a series of fun activities while Daddy works. Dare I suggest we head to Luna Park in Coney Island? While I could manage a few hours there, and then head to Nathan’s for a hot dog, no doubt you will put up a fuss if we leave before closing time.
Can't wait to see you!
Love, xxxxxoooo Bubbie Bonnie