A jack of all trades is a master of

A jack of all trades is a master of

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” ~Viktor Vicsek

I was lucky that my versatility and diverse skill set were appreciated.? In fact, as a jack-of-all-trades, I was considered confident, and proficient, with just enough curiosity to take on any role that was asked of me and perform it at a very high level.

Back in the day, one of my legendary sales directors approached me and said to me, “Could you make a list of your skills and abilities, we are running thin with resources, and we need you in multiple roles. (In other words, my co-workers were leaving and creating a resource problem)


1.????? Recruiting & Talent Acquisition

2.????? Business Development

3.????? Revenue Generation

4.????? Client Acquisition &?Engagement

5.????? Market Research

6.????? Customer Success & Service

7.????? Training, Coaching & Learning


It has been my belief that “you” cannot live on ONE skill. What I needed was a collective knowledge of several skills. ?For me to be successful in both the short and long term I learned as many related skills as I could.

He said, “You covered all the skills needed to make this company successful, generating revenue, maintaining customer relationships, and most importantly finding new clients, in fact. the amount of expertise you bring to this organization cannot be overstated or understated. I said, let me stop, you’re there. My biggest ability will always be my availability, my desire to always be there to help in any way I can, which leads to another ability that you must have to be a “jack of all trades” reliability.


How I became a world-class jack of all trades!

There is a good deal of turnover in organizations, especially larger ones. As colleagues leave their roles competent replacements may take time to find, but the work still needs to be done. The executives would turn to me and say Mike, please take over a certain function?until we can find a suitable replacement and do your job as well-, I know you can do it even though we don’t know how you pull it off.? They got used to it…

My knowledge of every role ranging from sales, marketing, customer success and service, and behind-the-scenes functions, such as market research, make me to this day, a very valuable asset.?

One of my absolute strong suits is recruitment, I would make recommendations on individuals who I knew were teachable, and with my extensive background in coaching, and training I could quickly get them up to speed in the role we hired them for, and then turn my attention to my original task and/or fill in somewhere else. Today I am willing to fill in wherever I can, I still have a lot left in the tank.


Michael Berube, M.ED.的更多文章

