J. Robert Oppenheimer (2023) film
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"Now I am become Death; the destroyer of worlds."
The story of Oppenheimer's infamous quote:
The line, from the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad-Gita, has come to define J. Robert Oppenheimer, but its meaning is more complex than many realize:
OPPENHEIMER Teaser (2023) With Cillian Murphy & Robert Downey Jr.
10 Things You Didn't Know About Cillian Murphy | Star Fun Facts
The Sound of Science
Celebrating 80 Years: Top-Secret Science
Eighty years ago, the U.S. government embarked on a secret mission that would change the world. The Manhattan Project was a massive effort that resulted in the world’s first nuclear weapons and the end of World War II. But its legacy extends well beyond the war, as it laid the foundation for groundbreaking science for decades to come...
How strong of a nuclear bomb could humans make?
The biggest nuclear blast in history came courtesy of the 57 mega ton TNT equivalent yield Tsar Bomba, detonated in 1961. We could make something at least 100 times more powerful.
Russia releases secret footage of 1961 Tsar Bomba hydrogen blast
‘Oppenheimer’ Review: Christopher Nolan’s Epic Is a Scorching Depiction of America’s Ability to Create and Destroy Its Heroes
Cillian Murphy stars as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb” in a stacked ensemble that includes Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr. and Florence Pugh...
Navajo Suffered From Nuclear Testing.?Oppenheimer?Doesn't Tell Our Story
Ask a Scientist: Scientists and Arms Control from Oppenheimer to Today
Four Things to Look for When You Watch the Oppenheimer Film
J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Defense of Humanity:
After helping invent the atomic bomb, the physicist spent decades thinking about how to preserve civilization from technological dangers, offering crucial lessons for the age of AI
He Became Death, Destroyer of Worlds. If Only He'd Read a Bit Further...
The new film Oppenheimer includes a famous episode in which lines from the Bhagavad Gita, a slim section of ancient India's 18-volume epic the Mahabharata, flash through J. Robert Oppenheimer's mind as he witnesses the first atomic bomb explosion in July 1945: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Historians debate the exact words that Oppenheimer recalled, and whether it was during the "Trinity" atomic-bomb test or sometime after. But they have missed something more important. Oppenheimer, who led the Manhattan Project, did more than just associate the atomic bomb with the Gita's "destroyer of worlds" passage.
Without knowing it, he completed an astounding self-fulfilling prophecy: Some two thousand years earlier, the Mahabharata predicted something like a nuclear weapon and then, through its influence on Oppenheimer, contributed to making the prediction come true.
The implications of this are worth pondering while Oppenheimer has his cultural moment.
Oppenheimer was torn between the ethical imperative to beat Hitler to The Bomb versus the ethics of midwifing a weapon that could destroy civilization.
According to historian James Hijiya, he resolved the dilemma by relying on the Gita's instruction to perform one's assigned duties as a spiritual practice, leaving the results to God or fate. He came to believe that his duty was to complete his charged task without fretting unduly over the ultimate consequences, which were out of his hands as a scientist.
This is in line with the Gita, which involves a brink-of-war dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and his charioteer, Krishna. Arjuna fears that he will have to kill relatives and elders on the other side whom he loves and respects. Krishna replies that as a member of the warrior caste, it is Arjuna's duty to fight, surrendering the outcome to God.
Then Krishna unveils the kicker: He himself is that God. He reveals himself as the god Vishnu in his cosmic form, Vishvarupa, creator and "destroyer of worlds," luminous as "the radiance of a thousand suns." This is what flashed through Oppenheimer's mind at the Trinity bomb test.
Oppenheimer loved the Gita and knew it well. But he was not as familiar with the next volume of the Mahabharata. Had he been, he might have interpreted the epic's ethical teachings differently.
In that next volume, as the battle rages the opposing army unleashes a superweapon, called the Narayana weapon. Narayana is another name for Krishna or Vishnu. Deploying the weapon causes violent winds, splits the summits of mountains, and reverses the course of rivers. It turns the daytime battlefield dark and incinerates vast numbers of Arjuna's comrades in arms...
‘Oppenheimer’ Review: Christopher Nolan Makes a Riveting Historical Psychodrama, but It Doesn’t Build to a Big Bang
Cillian Murphy gives a phenomenal performance as J. Robert Oppenheimer, who oversaw creation of the atomic bomb, in a film that's ruthlessly authentic and, for much of its three hours, gripping...
Nuclear Disarmament Org, Fallout Survivors Warned About Exactly What’s Happening With ‘Oppenheimer’
The below letter was sent on 28th March, and is being made public now – 16th July – following *no* response from Nolan or his studies, in an effort to raise awareness of the concerns expressed by signatories...
RE: Epilogue text to Oppenheimer (2023)
We are writing to you as a group of survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, survivors of nuclear weapons tests, and as young people concerned about the threat of nuclear weapons use and production.
As people around the world eagerly anticipate the release of Oppenheimer, we are today closer to nuclear weapons conflict than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis...
Actual Regret After Atomic Bombs Were Used
". . . I told him I was against it on two counts. First, the Japanese were ready to surrender - and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon." - General Dwight D. Eisenhower
What did General Douglas MacArthur think about the atomic bomb?
The very day after the atomic bomb hit Hiroshima, the personal pilot of General Douglas MacArthur, commander of Allied forces in the Pacific, recorded in his diary that MacArthur was "appalled and depressed by this Frankenstein monster."
Former President Herbert Hoover wrote, "The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul."
No one should easily discount these views. These men were all respected public figures. With the exception of Oxnam, all were conservatives. None was a pacifist. None of the five who survived into the 1960s publicly opposed the war in Vietnam.
Their dissenting opinions were not based on hindsight. They voiced their beliefs even *before* the war ended. These men considered the use of the atomic bomb to have been militarily unnecessary and morally repugnant based on the information available to them in the summer of 1945.
How Accurate is Christopher Nolan’s ‘Oppenheimer’?
J. Robert Oppenheimer's fatal mistake: loving a government that didn't love him back.
"The greatest loyalty is not to a government or institution, but to the pursuit of truth and the betterment of humanity." - Albert Einstein
Imagine if this was what the two physicists discussed when they met at a park in Princeton, NJ?in this movie...
NOT a spoiler, since no movie would dare say this.?
The choice to bomb Hiroshima and?Nagasaki
The debate about whether the United States “needed” to drop atomic bombs on Japan will likely be waged indefinitely. Was it to end the war, save American lives, test the bomb or send a message to Stalin?
Amidst all the theories, some of which are disputed and a few disproven, one over-riding motivation remains: racism.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a highly effective propaganda campaign was waged in the US to paint Japanese people as sub-human or worse. The Japanese were depicted as predators and vermin. During reporting from Iwo Jima,?Time?magazine, pronounced the Japanese people “ignorant” and went on speculate: “Perhaps he is human. Nothing. . . indicates it.”?
Today, the posters and rhetoric in circulation then would be considered abhorrent hate speech. But in the 1940s, it instilled enough revulsion in the American public to justify the annihilation of at least 200,000 human beings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
Oppenheimer: What Albert Einstein Has Said About The Manhattan Project In Real Life
When J. Robert Oppenheimer was summoned to a 1954 government security hearing over his alleged communist sympathies, Einstein was outraged. He reportedly told Oppenheimer that he had “no obligation to subject himself to the witch hunt,” and if that was the “reward” the United States had for his service during the war, “he should turn his back on her.”
Oppenheimer ignored Einstein’s advice and subjected himself to one-sided interrogation; at the end of it, Oppenheimer had his security clearance revoked.
When Einstein heard the news, “American Prometheus” said he responded with a laugh. “The trouble with Oppenheimer,” Einstein said, “is that he loves a woman who doesn’t love him — the United States government.”
i have my own ending scene to Oppenheimer - where he talks to Einstein. In my version, Einstein "pushes back" against the legitimate worry of a global nuclear arms race - Einstein proposes creation of a group to publicize the issue of nuclear weapon use and proliferation. Einstein also warns Oppenheimer that fighting the "military industrial complex" will result in our Government attacking Oppenheimer reputation and career path. Finally, Einstein expresses his own regret at initially supporting nuclear weapon development. Einstein says that, had he known that Germany would never be able to build their own bomb, he would have urged that America avoid building a bomb too...
The Victims’ Perspectives
Ask a Scientist: Scientists and Arms Control from Oppenheimer to Today